Right off I want to encourage you to be sure and listen to the podcast (RSS feed - iTunes) and/or watch the video on this important conclusion of this series.
There will be MORE information shared in those avenues than will be shared in this short blog article (be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel).
We have really already talked about the DETOURS. I actually thought about concluding this series by talking about how we can actually AVOID IN ADVANCE some of the detours.
Is it possible to avoid some of these in advance? Yes, it is! For example, before heading out to work one might turn on a local news channel to see if they have any traffic reports so that they can plan their route accordingly. Even after they have gotten in their automobile, one might turn to a radio station that has regular traffic updates so that they can continue to be aware of potential detours in advance.
In our personal journey to a better and brighter future it is also possible to know - in advance - of possible situations or people that might cause a detour in that journey. People, places and "things" may cause a detour. People: There may be some people (or groups of people) that you know in advance that you need to AVOID so that their negativity does not slow you down or take you off of your course. Places: Perhaps there are even some places that you need to avoid knowing, in advance, that they may cause a detour. One may even be sitting in front of the television set. Things: Sometimes we can cause our own detours by getting distracted with "things" or "stuff" that we THINK is part of our progress that, in reality, may be nothing more than busy work.
For this discussion, I consider "detours" as something that we are not necessarily responsible for...something that is pretty much out of our control. However, when I think about DELAYS, I consider these more as something that WE DO have control over. In other words, in this discussion, when it comes to DELAYS, we have no one to "blame" but ourselves.
These type of delays may come due to over planning or finding all kinds of reasons NOT to get started on this journey... at least not yet. Many times these delays (even the ones I just mentioned) are due to FEAR. This has to do with our mindset in this area. We can literally "scare ourselves into inactivity" and cause unending delays. Yes, it is true, the best way to get rid of this type of fear is to face it and attack it head on.
Example: If you think that you are going to get in your car and drive from Los Angeles to New York City on one tank of gas...you are delusional. If you think that you are going to make the same trip without ANY detours and/or delays, you are also delusional.
In like manner, if you think that, on your journey to a better and brighter future you will no longer need to "study" and absorb information to keep your positive energy tank filled and fueled, you are being delusional.
Maybe you are still "early on" in this journey and you haven't really had any delays and/or detours as of yet. BEWARE! To think that you will NOT have any delays and/or detours along your path is a DELUSION! You are kidding yourself and, to be more blunt, you are lying to yourself! Don't listen to and don't believe such a lie.
And, finally, if you think, after listening to a bunch of hype, that (for example) you are going to make a million dollars in six months...you got it, you are delusional! I'm not sure where I first read or heard this but I have always tried to remember it and, yes, I do have to remind myself of this fact from time to time: We often OVER estimate what we can accomplish over the short term and UNDER estimate what we can accomplish over the long term.
You are in control! Be aware of the possible detours, delays and delusions that may be before you that could cause you to get "off track".
Thanks for joining me and, until next time, whatever you do...
"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"
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