Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Your Attitude MATTERS!

 This article comes from thoughts I shared on my most recent podcast (access it HERE) on the #TRUTH that, "Your Attitude MATTERS!"

Listen, it doesn't matter WHO you are or WHAT you are doing (job, school, parenting, etc.) the fact remains that the ATTITUDE that YOU CHOOSE (that's right, it's a choice!) will have a HUGE impact on you day, week, month and year. And, if you keep adding that time up it will turn out to be YEARS and you will wonder why your life did not turn out the way you had wished. 

This past week I came across a post on my social media that brought about my decision to do a podcast/blog article on this topic. Without revealing more than the content, here's a picture of the post with some notes that I've made that I'll discuss with you here.

First of all, let me say that, whoever came up with this was someone that had a horrible, negative attitude about work and - my guess would be - pretty much every area of their life. That's just my opinion but it is an opinion based on what I've observed and learned over the years.


Now then, on to the information in this graphic. Right off the start - at the top - marked as #1 in my comment box we find someone that feels the need to share what THEY HAVE LEARNED about employment. Key point here: Be CAREFUL who you listen to and take "advice" from. Listen, there is actually SOME good advice found in this graphic such as found in numbers 8 and 12.  Your family IS more important than any job BUT you still have to understand the BALANCE that must come with both. (I could do a whole article just on this point and maybe I will in the future). And, for sure, as is mentioned in #12, it is important to keep your personal life private. But, here's the kicker...this also applies to social media and, my guess is, since this was posted on social media that the author of these thoughts does not apply this advice consistently. 

Notice my notes in my second comment about #4 in the posted list... "Do the bare minimum, or you'll get rewarded  MORE work." Again, this "advice" alone should cause everyone to run in the opposite direction! Oh, I know that this is a common opinion held by many but IT IS POISON to your mind and to ANY POSSIBILITY of you actually improving your situation/position at your work. That's a guarantee!

Again, the attitude exhibited by this point alone, should be enough to see that this person's mind has been poisoned by a negative mindset. However, many times, those who ALSO have their minds "poisoned" by negative attitudes will see this as something that makes sense. And it them. Why? Because this is all they see, hear, taste, touch, smell and consume. 

Side note on #9: "Some of your coworkers secretly hate you." Really? Is this a surprise? It shouldn't be because it's called LIFE! Moving on...

Now in my "3rd comment box"...  The attitude expressed in #4 on the list will GUARANTEE that there will NEVER be any substantial pay increase (#10) AND that there will NEVER be promotions in compensation (#11). 

Here's the thing that so many people (like the one that posted this list) don't seem to understand: Your negative attitude and negative approach to your work will KEEP YOU EXACTLY WHERE YOU DON'T WANT TO BE. That is how it works, friend!

This type of negative attitude will keep you on the "hamster wheel" of frustration and disappointment while you continue to blame anybody and everybody else for your lack of forward progress in your position. Go take a good long look in the mirror at where the problem actually lies...YOU

But, here's the GOOD NEWS about all of this: It doesn't have to STAY that way. That's right! YOU have the ability to start making CHANGES in your own attitude and life. It won't be easy because you have likely grown so accustomed to this negative attitude and lifestyle that you may feel that it is even impossible. Always remember this quote that I came up with back in 2009, "As long as there is breath, there is HOPE!"

If you REALLY wish to rid your life of this negative attitude then I have some good news for you! I actually did a series of articles addressing that very thing. It's called "Positive Mindset 101" and it is designed to help you learn how to DEVELOP and MAINTAIN a positive mindset. If you've not done so before, you can begin with the first article in the series by going HERE

One last thing to leave you with. I'VE BEEN THERE! Yep! There have been times in my past where I allowed myself to be influenced by others around me that had a stinking attitude (negative attitude) about work and I became miserable! Yes, I turned it around but I just want to make sure you understand that I, too, have struggled with the influence of negative attitudes.

IT'S A CHOICE and it is YOUR choice. My advice: Choose wisely!

Until next time...

#FutureYouUniversity  #MikeSpillman #Success  #PsitiveMdset  #PersonalDevelopment

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Run THROUGH Roadblocks!

 Any time you desire to move forward and PUT ACTION behind that WILL face "roadblocks" along the way. 


In this video/podcast I simply share some "obstacles/roadblocks" that I'm facing with some tech that I need to either learn or get someone to do for me. Twenty or thirty years ago I was willing to take the time - regardless of how long it took - to "dig in" and figure it out!

I'm past that stage now. I don't have the desire to spend that much time at this point and, honestly, as I've aged, it seems to be a little harder for a lot of this information to "stick with me". 

  *Click HERE for the video*

But listen, it doesn't matter WHAT it is that you desire to do in your life as a way to improve your life or simply achieve something in your life...ROADBLOCKS WILL APPEAR! 

You want to lose some weight and improve your overall health?  GREAT! Get ready for the roadblocks and setbacks!

You want to improve your relationship with your spouse or a friend? GREAT! Get ready for the roadblocks and setbacks!

*Click HERE for the podcast* 

Do you want to learn something new (even if it means taking some special courses) in order to bring in some extra income?  GREAT! Get ready for the roadblocks and setbacks!

Do you desire to become more intentional in developing and maintaining a positive mindset?  GREAT! Get ready for the roadblocks and setbacks!

No one - and I mean NO one - has ever achieved "success" in an area that desired success without encountering ROADBLOCKS and setbacks. And, friend, it won't be any different for you.

The answer?  Strengthen your resolve...your determination. 

The word, "resolve" is the root word for "resolution" which many of you likely have tied in with the words, "New Year". One of the definitions given for "resolution" is to "make a FIRM DECISION to either do or NOT do something".

So, first and foremost, you must make a DECISION and it must be "firm" in order to "run THROUGH the roadblocks" as the title says. 

Let me direct you to a set of videos I did on this topic of "How to Develop and Maintain a Positive Mindset" (Positive Mindset 101). You can access that series by going HERE

Another way to put it that may help you along the way (you may want to post this somewhere that you will see it everyday and several times a day): COMMIT and CONTINUE 

 Until next time...

#FutureYouUniversity  #MikeSpillman #Success  #PsitiveMdset  #PersonalDevelopment

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

WHAT Do YOU Love? (Do You Even Know???)

Click HERE for the PODCAST

Click HERE for the VIDEO

 As I type out this article, it is February 14th...VALENTINE'S DAY...the day that celebrates LOVE.

With that in mind, I have a very important question for you: "WHAT Do YOU Love?" Notice that I did not ask "WHO Do You Love" even though that question also needs to be answered based on what we will discuss today.

WHAT Do You Love? WHAT is your PASSION?

You have heard it asked this way before, I'm sure: "What would you do even if you didn't get paid for it?" or "What would you even do for free?"

A lot of people will SAY that they love someone or something but their actions betray their declaration.

People will declare before a minister and all of the people in attendance that they will love each other "no matter what" (to sum it up) yet, many of those same people will end up not living up to those declarations and will end up divorcing one another.  

MANY will say that something is the MOST IMPORTANT thing in their life yet, again, their ACTIONS say otherwise. 

What about YOU

What do you say that you love and what do you say is most important to you?

Be honest with yourself and then answer the question of what your actions say/show about whatever it is. 

I will discuss this topic in more detail a little later BUT FIRST, I NEED SOMETHING FROM YOU!

I need YOUR input on what YOUR passion is, WHAT are you willing to do in order to obtain that "thing" and WHY is it so important to you? I'm not going to ask you to tell me what your actions actually say on that part...I'll leave that up to you to discuss with yourself.

I really want to get this from you and use it for my future thoughts on this topic. You don't have to tell me your name or anything like that so that you can remain anonymous BUT PLEASE share this information with me by either leaving a comment on this article OR by sending it to me via email at

Thanks, in advance, for your participation and, until next time...

#FutureYouUniversity  #MikeSpillman #Success  #PsitiveMdset  #PersonalDevelopment

Friday, February 9, 2024

Positive Mindset 101: FORCED Relationships (Dealing With Co-Workers) and CONCLUSION

Click HERE for the podcast episode

Click HERE for the YouTube episode

 In today's post I will take the discussion of the "Mind Fields" that can cause great harm to our desire for a POSITIVE MINDSET and apply them for when we deal with those that we have out of "necessity" (some family like in-laws or step family AND our co-worker and managers/bosses). 


As always, if you have not read the previous articles leading up to this one, you NEED to do so. I mean, it's a series, right? Also, if you really want to benefit from this series, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE DONE THE HOMEWORK for the previous articles. Don't want to? That's your choice but, I can tell you even based on that choice, that NOTHING will change in your life in this area. How do I know that? Your decisions in relationship to this "homework" shows your approach to ALL choices and decisions. #TRUTH

So, just as I requested that you in the last article, I want you to write down ALL of the people that fit into the category of "forced relationships" in your life. List them out by name, how much time you spend with them and also rate them from 1 (most negative influence on you) to 10 (most positive influence on you) just as you did in the last assignment. *Note: There is no need to write down EVERY person with which you have contact at work...only those that you MUST spend the most time. Now, of course, even if there is someone that you don't have to spend much time with at work, if they have a profound impact on your - either negative or positive - do include them.

So, again, they could be family members that are "forced" (in-laws, step family, etc.), co-workers, managers/bosses and any others that you may come up with. 

Because you do spend so much time with those "forced relationships" at work (and the same may be true for some of your forced family relationships) it can become very difficult to not allow the negative impact to affect you in a negative way as well. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION if you, indeed, want to improve your mindset and your day even while at work!

With our "relationships by choice" (last article) we can actually make the decision to separate ourselves from those relationships if/when it's necessary BUT it's not always possible to do when it comes to our work environment. So, what do you do then?


That's right! In situations like this, you have no other choice but to ADAPT!

What do I mean by that? It's not likely that even your positive influence is going to have an immediate impact on those difficult people at your workplace BUT you can adapt to the fact that it IS difficult and use your creative mindset to figure out a way to approach this situation in a way that WILL bring positive results over time. How?

1. Determine that you will NOT allow others to impact you in a negative way! Yes, easier said than done but make this your MISSION each and every day and then approach your day with that in mind.

2. Determine that YOU will be the THERMOSTAT and not a THERMOMETER (much more on this in an upcoming article). In other words, YOU be the one that "sets the temperature" and don't just "react" to the "negative temperature" set by others. 

3. Be sure to listen to the podcast or watch the video to hear a story I have shared several times before of how my wife did just that with an Assistant Manager that she was told, when she first began working for this company,  to avoid at all costs because this A.M. was so negative.  End result? This A.M. ended up hand knitting a "throw/blanket" for my wife while my wife was there. TRUE STORY!

And, finally, in these "forced relationship" situations, it may be difficult to apply the "Replace and Remove" model talked about in an earlier article. Sure, you could quit your job but, at the same time, if you're not ready and already have a BETTER situation lined up, that may be a bad choice! Also, consider that if you've not implemented what is being talked about in today's article, you WILL run into the same situation at your next job before long. Then what?

Be GENUINE in your adapting and see what begins to happen when your GENUINE POSITIVE MINDSET begins to have a POSITIVE IMPACT on those around you. 

You know what else MIGHT happen (at this job or due to an offer for another position elsewhere)? You may find that those in management have notice your positive influence and see you as an excellent candidate to use that mindset in a higher position working/influencing more people. 

Click HERE for the PODCAST

Click HERE for the VIDEO

Very simply, the concluding podcast and video asks the question: "NOW WHAT?"

You've been given the "roadmap" on how to actually DO SOMETHING to learn how to DEVELOP and MAINTAIN a positive mindset. 

I will say it again: If you've not been committed enough to even do the "homework" that was assigned along the way, then you will not have the commitment needed to actually change your situation. 

It's up to you BUT I still will offer another source of help for you if you will only REACH OUT and HELP ME as I strive to HELP YOU.

Pay attention here: This process that we have gone through applies to ANY and EVERY area of your life! That is the truth. You apply this to your struggle to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can apply this to a struggle you may have with your marriage or any other close relationship that you have. You can apply this to the struggle of feeling "stuck" in and at your job. Yes, you can even apply this to finances. 

What "hits home" for you? What area would you like to be able to "dig a little deeper" on and get even more help and encouragement with to help you succeed? I NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU SO THAT I CAN HELP YOU IN THAT AREA!

You can either leave a comment here OR you can contact me directly by sending me an email at:

It may take me a few days to respond but, I promise you that I WILL get back in touch with you. 

Until next time, whatever you do...

#FutureYouUniversity  #MikeSpillman #Success  #PsitiveMdset  #PersonalDevelopment



Saturday, January 20, 2024

Postive Mindset 101 (Part 4): The MIND Field of RELATIONSHIPS


Have you read the previous articles in this series? If not, you won't be successful in your desire (IF you have the desire) to actually develop a positive mindset.

Have you listened to the podcast and/or watched the videos that go along with each of these articles in this series? If not, why not? I don't follow a script so, EACH ONE OF THESE avenues for each episode will always have some additional/different information that you won't find in the other avenues. TRUE FACT!

ARE YOU DOING THE HOMEWORK that is discussed? Again, if not - WHY NOT? Are you SERIOUS about learning how to DEVELOP (and MAINTAIN) a positive mindset or is this just a "half-hearted" approach that likely is reflective of your yearly shortcomings with "New Year's Resolutions"?

In this part of this series, I'm first talking about those relationships that you have that are, for the most part, by choice. Your friends (your closest friends to other friends that aren't as close) and anyone else that you have "connections" with NOT INCLUDING those that you have through work or that are what I refer to as "FORCED Relationships". 

Now then, you may even include the relationships that you have with family in this first application. Oh, I know that you might argue that your relationship with family is not by choice. I get that and, honestly, the category of "family" will be applied in THIS part as well as in the next when I discuss those "Forced Relationships". 

O.k.? Got it? (Again, be sure to listen to the podcast and/or watch the video - links below - which may help you "grasp" this even better).

Here's your "homework"...

1. For now, just brainstorm and write down anyone that you can think of when you consider those relationships that you have that are by YOUR choice. Again, those closest to you and even those that aren't as close but with which you still choose to connect. Yes, go ahead and enter any family members that, as best as you can, you would say that you "choose" to spend time around.  Go ahead...write them all down and get specific by actually writing down their name.

2. As you look at the list that you just put together (obviously, don't move to this step until you have completed step #1...yes, you can add others later as you think of them and adjust each of these things as necessary) I want you to rate them from 1 - 10. This means that "1" would be the low end of helping you have a positive mindset. "10" would be on the high end. So, for example, someone that you would rate as a "1" would be someone that has an absolute NEGATIVE influence on your life...the WORST! And, on the other end, a "10" would be someone that "lifts you up" and makes you just "feel good/better" just by being around them. Rate each person on this part of this list based on the scale that I just defined.

3. Once you have completed step #2, now take the time to write down WHY you gave each person the ranking that you did. If you ranked someone at a "6", write WHY you did so. Be specific as possible. 

4. Pay close attention to these last two steps! NEXT, besides each name and ranking, try to estimate how much TIME you spend with them on a weekly basis (estimate how much each day you spend and then add them up for seven days).

5. Finally, it's time to "sort them out" and I want you to do this TWO DIFFERENT WAYS:                      

    a.) Group them by "ranking". In other words, group all of your 7's together and, put all of your 4's, etc. in a different grouping together. Got it?                                                                                                           

     b.) NOW make another LIST based on the amount of time that you spend with each person in a week. The first on your list should be the one that you spend the MOST time with and on down to where the last one on your list should be the one that you spend the LEAST amount of time with. (Yes, be sure to include time that you spend on the phone, chatting via text or social media, etc.) ALSO, beside each name and the amount of time that you sped with them, be sure to also list their "ranking number" that you gave them. 

 Here's a couple of examples:

 That's it for now. You SHOULD be able to start seeing what I'm doing here and that YOU are going to have to make some DECISIONS on who you are allowing into your life based on their impact on your mindset - positive OR negative!

Based on how much TIME you spend with the people on your list, how healthy is it  - based on their "ranking" - for you to spend that much time with them?

Based on their "ranking", how healthy is it for you to spend any more time than absolutely necessary with them?

Don't stress yourself out over this right now. But, again, if you are SERIOUS about your desire (DECISION) to develop a POSITIVE MINDSET, then you can see for yourself - clearly - that there may be some changes that are going to need to take place.

For now...just take a look at the list and be honest with yourself at what you actually see. Yes, this WILL test your "resolve" (root word of "resolution", remember?) on this decision. 

In our next article, we'll take a look at those "forced relationships" that we must all deal with, perhaps on a daily basis.

Until then, whatever you do...

#FutureYouUniversity  #MikeSpillman #Success  #PsitiveMdset  #PersonalDevelopment

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Positive Mindset (Part 3): MISS THIS and FAIL 100% of the Time!

 As always, if you haven't had the chance to read the previous article (contains Part 1 & 2), be sure to do so before you read today's article. Go ahead...I'll wait. Go on...really...I'll still be here. 

Now, before we move on with the need to seek out other "MIND Fields" in our life experience, we need to understand something that is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE! I'm 100% serious about this fact: If you miss this or ignore this, you WILL FAIL in your desire to improve your mindset. 
THAT - IS - A - FACT! 
 Do I have your attention? Yes, it IS that serious and important.

What is this "all-important" thing that must be done? I call it "R & R" (and, no, I'm not talking about Rest & Relaxation) which stands for REMOVE and REPLACE
You must REMOVE those things that bring a negative influence into your life and REPLACE them with things that bring a POSITIVE influence into your life.

Let's use an example of someone that has decided that they want to lose weight and develop healthier eating habits. What is one thing - besides CHANGING THEIR DIET - that they must do? 

Well, as part of the process of changing their diet is the process of REMOVING those things that would be tempting to their old way of eating. They must not only REMOVE those things (colas, sweets, chips, etc.) but they must also REPLACE them with healthier choices! (Be sure to listen to the podcast and/or watch the video on this - I get into much more detail than I will go into in this blog article).
In the same way, what we are talking about is another type of "diet". It's the diet (what you "consume") that you allow into your mind and thus, your mindset.
If you did your "homework" that was talked about in the last article/podcast/video, then you have identified SEVERAL things in your "home surroundings" that are definitely "hidden mines" in your "MIND Field" that can cause severe injury and/or death to your pursuit of developing a positive mindset.
Your next step is to now thing about things that you can do to REMOVE the negative mines with POSITIVE life-giving items. What can you do to REMOVE the negative influence on social media and REPLACE it with some sort of POSITIVE influence? 
For one, don't spend as much time there...that's a fact that you must understand. Why? Because, especially at the beginning, it is TOO TEMPTING to spend much time there. Like someone that is trying to lose that weight and still allowing that bag of cookies to be setting out on the counter for them to see on a constant basis. You need to REMOVE that temptation! There are a LOT of people/pages that you can follow on social media that will have a much more positive impact on your mindset and life.
YES, I AM ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE! If you've not done so, you need to go to my FaceBook page by going to and you need to plan to be there every day! I post something every day that is positive and helpful for ANYONE that is trying to improve their mindset in a positive way.  Make it a habit to listen to each and every podcast that I put out and see if it doesn't help with your mindset.

Go through your list of those "Mind Fields" and take the time to go through them and figure out a "healthier" alternative for your "mindset diet".  If you need some help, reach out and let me know...I'll be happy to give you some good suggestions.
Main question: How important is this for you? How serious are you about actually making this CHANGE for a better life and future? It's like the example of someone saying that they want to lose weight...if they still keep doing the same thing that they've done in the past, nothing will change and their health will NOT improve. 
Do you want to improve your "odds" for success with this process? ENGAGE with me by leaving a comment here, below the video and/or on my FB page that I shared earlier.  It helps to be connected to someone that will help you and encourage you along the way...I'm here for you!

Join me next time as we DO begin to discuss the "Mind Field" that comes in the area of our RELATIONSHIPS. 

And, until then, whatever you do...

#FutureYouUniversity  #MikeSpillman #Success  #PsitiveMdset  #PersonalDevelopment

Thursday, January 11, 2024

POSITIVE MINDSET 101 (The Importance of a POSITIVE Mindset)


Be sure to listen to the podcast/watch the video on each one of these topics in this series. You can find the links to them down below.

Some people wonder WHY having a positive mindset matters. As a matter of fact, while doing a recent search on questions that people are asking in this area, that very question came up just about more than any other. WHY does it matter and WHAT DIFFERENCE can it make in a person's life?

Although there's not a "Webster-type" definition of POSITIVE MINDSET since it's two words, I did find some suggested "definitions/descriptions" for it. 

Here's one: "The practice of focusing on the GOOD in ANY given situation." And another: "You are OPTIMISTIC about the world around you, and you EXPECT that good things will happen to you." 

You may even remember the late Dr. Norman Vincent Peale using the acrostic, "PMA" which stands for Positive Mental Attitude. That's what we are talking about.

For example, you may have seen or been around someone that just seems to ALWAYS be happy and, that being the case, they spread "joy and happiness" wherever they go! And, at the same time, you've seen people that are just the opposite. Oh, they spread joy and happiness alright, but it's usually when they LEAVE a room!

Which do you want to be? Which do you think describes YOU at this point in your life?

I will do all I can to help you understand the absolute NECESSITY in developing (and MAINTAINING) and positive mindset, but you have to DECIDE - first and foremost - that you actually seek/want that for your life.

Let me just go ahead and tell you: Your life will IMPROVE for the better in EVERY area of your life by dong so...developing and learning to maintain a positive mindset. That's not an over-statement, friend. It is an absolute FACT!

 Let's break that down and look at some definitions. First of all, the word DECIDE: "come to a resolution in the mind as a result of consideration". Let's break it down even more and look at the word, RESOLUTION: "a firm decision to do or not do something". And then the word, CONSIDERATION: "careful thought, typically over a period of time".

Do you want to know why most people fall short on their "New Year's Resolutions"? It's because they don't fully understand the meaning of the word, "RESOLUTION". Look at it. It's a FIRM decision to either do something (start walking and cutting back on fast food, for example) or NOT do something (stop sitting on the couch eating a bag of chips).  And, it is something that involves CAREFUL THOUGHT, typically over a period of time. In other words, it is not a "half-way" and "off the cuff" is a FIRM decision!

Even if you don't complete understand this whole thing of "personal development" and "positive mindset", you CAN (and MUST) make a decision to improve your life (and attitude) if, indeed, you desire to actually IMPROVE your life - in ALL areas of your life.  

This is the FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT step! (Let's continue with the next part of this series)...

Part 2: Beware the Mine (MIND) Field

You are likely aware of "land mines" that are hidden in/on the ground with the idea of someone stepping on one and it blowing up causing great injury or death. They are usually connected to those involved in a war but, even at that, there are many times that innocent people (those that have nothing to do with the war) are injured or even killed.

In our discussion of developing and maintaining a POSITIVE MINDSET, I would rename this as a "MIND Field". Think of it as "hidden dangers" that can cause serious injury or even "death" to a person's positive mindset and desire to maintain such a mindset. These are things that can "cause" or "add to" a NEGATIVE mindset and, friend, they are EVERY where (as you will begin to discover in today's episode).

A few weeks ago I did a podcast/video on the topic, "You CAN NOT Change!" (for some reason, I did not do a blog article but you can go to the podcast link and the YouTube link and find it easily). The point of that episode was that you truly CAN NOT change if you approach life with the same old mindset! 

Now, don't miss this point: Your mindset - even if negative - DEFINITELY has an impact on your life (EVERY area of your life). It is simply not a mindset that will bring about positive change and a better future. Get the point yet?

Take a look at this quote by Claude Diamond:

 CHANGE takes time and, usually, it is not easy. That's just the way it is and you need to be aware of that.

Now, let's get to some SPECIFICS and take a look at some things IN YOUR OWN LIVING SPACE that may be "MIND FIELDS" in your own home. Are you ready? Take notes and add your own thoughts to this list.

1. Television: It doesn't matter if you are watching something "live" or if you are watching/steaming movies, etc. A couple of things that you need to do with this...First, actually "log" your time of how much time you spend watching t.v in all forms. I suggest doing this over a period of at least 3 days. Perhaps a day or two during the week (after you get home from your job, for example) AND also over the weekend when you likely spend more time doing so. Don't just log in how much TIME but WHAT the content is of what you allow into your mind/mindset through this avenue. What kind of shows are you watching...what kind of content are you allowing into your mindset? Be HONEST and be SPECIFIC.

2. Music: Yes, we must also log the same information in connection to the music that we listen to on a daily basis. After all, THIS ALSO "feeds" our mind - either positive or negative. Sure, I get it. There is some music that the beat just lifts you up but, what about the message? Again, be HONEST and be SPECIFIC on this one as well. It's kind of like someone trying to lose weight that are having a hard time giving up that ice cream that they are used to having as a "treat" every night. Remember, you must make a FIRM DECISION in what you want. And must ACT UPON that decision.

3. Social Media: (Play ominous music here!) Here's where it may get really tough for you. But, again, follow the same formula for logging your time/content as mentioned above and - once again - you MUST be HONEST and SPECIFIC in order for you to actually understand the impact of these "Mind Fields" in your own home. Who do you "follow" and what kind of content do they share that you "consume"? Is it positive or negative? What about your own posts? Are they full of negative content (griping, complaining, etc.) or are they posts that actually can "lift" or "encourage" those that read?

4. Texting: Most of you probably don't talk on the phone as much as you text. Well, you know the drill by now, right? This one is easy to track unless you delete your texts right away. Go back and take a look (remember, HONEST and SPECIFIC) when you log this information. 

5. What You READ: I don't know how much you read or what avenue you use for your reading. Perhaps you read an actual, physical book or you do so on your phone via an app or even listen to an "audio book".  Just like all of the rest listed above, LOG THE INFORMATION to determine how MUCH information you allow into your mind in this way as well as WHAT TYPE OF CONTENT you allow into your mind. Do I need to say it again? Be HONEST and SPECIFIC if you truly want to make improvement.  

My guess is that you will be SURPRISED at how much TIME you spend consuming this information into you mind/mindset as well as "what kind" of information you are allowing into your mind.

So, PART 1 of your homework is to go through each one of these that I listed and take the time to "log" the time and content as I suggested. Total each category up (perhaps even get an "average" after logging it over a period of several days) and then take a long look at your information that you've gathered.

PART 2 of your homework is to take a look around YOUR surroundings and ADD anything to the list that I may not have covered. Just as you would not want anyone who has the responsibility of discovering and removing actual mines in a mine field to do a "half-way" job and then tell you to walk on through, neither should you desire to approach this task in the same way. IT IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE in this process!

I would LOVE to hear some of your findings. You can either leave a comment here OR go to my website/Facebook page:  and leave your comment until the information about this blog article or one of the ones featuring the podcasts and/or video. 

What's next?

In our next article/episode we will look at what we must do once we begin REMOVING these "mines" from our "MIND Field" and what comes next in that process.

We will also begin to look at another area full of those dangerous "MIND Fields" and begin to talk about our RELATIONSHIPS.

Until next time, whatever you do, always be sure to...
Make it an AWESOME day - who else is going to do it for you?


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

"Life is a HABIT...Does YOURS Need to be Broken?"

(This is an edited version of an article originally posted on January 9, 2018)


I recently visited with an elderly lady about her need for final expense (burial) insurance. She had filled out a card and requested to get more information about this. She acknowledged to me that she knew she needed to do something to keep her family from having to come up with the money to pay for her funeral and she acknowledged that the price I presented to her was right "on target".

That was about 3 weeks or so ago and, to this day, she still has not done anything about it and, guess what? She never will. How do I know this? Because LIFE IS A HABIT and her habit has been to NOT take action on something that she has known for quite some time that she needed to get done.

Another word for "habit" might even be "rut". It's hard to break a habit and it's hard to get out of a rut!

 As is the case regarding ANY significant change, the beginning IS ALWAYS the hardest part of the process. It goes against what we are comfortable with and it goes against our "daily routine" of this habit. But, just like the activity that takes place when one of those "strongest man" contestants start to pull a train car with nothing but a rope, the hardest part is the beginning! Yet, after much effort and determination, MOMENTUM finally starts to "kick in" and the wheels of that train begin to finally move. Slowly at first but they begin to roll with more ease as this momentum continues to work in the contestants favor.

As funny as this little cartoon is, the point of it is actually kind of sad, is it not? Isn't it time to finally get past this "hamster wheel" mentality that so many (you?) do year after year with these, so-called, New Year's Resolutions? Stop talking and start doing!

 Wow, what good news, right? If you go back and read my blog and listen to the podcast that I did right before the start of this new year ("Happy New Day? Happy New Year!) you find this very thing talked about. If you have followed me for very long then you have also heard me discuss the fact (yes, I said "fact") that TOMORROW does NOT exist! That 24 hour period into the future does not exist - it has not even arrived into the realm of reality. And, in the same way, that 24 hour period in the past that we call "YESTERDAY" no longer exists as well. It's gone and can never be relived or recovered. So, TODAY is the day to start making your move. Bottom line, it's all you have, friend.

GET UP AND MOVE ON! Stop dwelling on your past disappointments...what good does that do you but to disappoint you even more? Today is the day to decide to "get up and move on"!

 Are you in sales? If so, you need to "google" this guy and check out his stuff. I found this quote of his the other day and I love what it says even though it is hard to accept sometimes. But, it is TRUTH! Whether you are talking about weight loss or job and/or career success, there are many that want the RESULT but that are not willing to "pay the price". That price? CHANGE. And, again, any significant change is not easy. Never has been, never will be. HOWEVER, again, with momentum, that change becomes less and less of a burden as you continue to move forward.

So, are you all talk? Do you spend all of your time "dreaming" about what you will achieve and, are you one of those people that keeps telling everyone else what you are GOING TO DO? Dreaming is important! One must have a "dream" that will challenge them to move forward. However, as Jack Canfield says, the difference between just dreaming and actually putting action behind that dream (PURSUING your passion) is "taking the first step". 
Forget about the past! Remember, it's gone. Yes, absolutely LEARN from the past but do not allow yourself to continue to LIVE in the past. So, regardless of what you have been "planting" in the past (you may likely be "harvesting" that now) you can still "plant a new crop" starting TODAY. This is not just a "cheesy" saying or is a FACT of life, friend.

What is in your heart? What is it that you REALLY want to do and/or accomplish? What is it that "stirs" your soul and creates "purpose" in and for your life? When you allow yourself to "tune in" to whatever that is for you, your "vision" (path, direction) will become clear. Do you believe that?  For years I kept hearing about the need to create a "mission statement" for your life. I even would almost "stress out" over the fact that I couldn't come up with one. I literally would try to put something into words but I kept falling short and, as a result, I also would get discouraged. However, "out of the dark" (so to speak) as I was "immersed" in positive information it just "came to me" and came in a very clear and powerful message. The next graphic is what I came up with (or, perhaps, what came to me):

I need to work harder on getting back to this focus but, the point is, once my "heart" took over, THIS literally just "came out" or "appeared" to me. No, it wasn't magic and it definitely came from my inner thoughts and feelings (my heart). It can only be "real" and "true" when it comes out of your heart. 

Today is the day, my friend. Haven't you waited long enough? Haven't you procrastinated long enough? Are you tired of breaking the promises that you have made to yourself over the years? ONE DAY AT A TIME breaks things down into much smaller "steps" that need to be taken. You don't look at the idea of losing 50 lbs. over the next twelve months and become overwhelmed. What you DO is break that down to what is needed monthly and then daily and start making that journey.  (By the way, that comes out to .13 lbs per day).

Well? Now what? 

That's up to you. "LIFE IS A HABIT"...what do you need to do with yours?

Until next time, whatever you do, always be sure to...
Make it an AWESOME day - who else is going to do it for you?