Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Run THROUGH Roadblocks!

 Any time you desire to move forward and PUT ACTION behind that WILL face "roadblocks" along the way. 


In this video/podcast I simply share some "obstacles/roadblocks" that I'm facing with some tech that I need to either learn or get someone to do for me. Twenty or thirty years ago I was willing to take the time - regardless of how long it took - to "dig in" and figure it out!

I'm past that stage now. I don't have the desire to spend that much time at this point and, honestly, as I've aged, it seems to be a little harder for a lot of this information to "stick with me". 

  *Click HERE for the video*

But listen, it doesn't matter WHAT it is that you desire to do in your life as a way to improve your life or simply achieve something in your life...ROADBLOCKS WILL APPEAR! 

You want to lose some weight and improve your overall health?  GREAT! Get ready for the roadblocks and setbacks!

You want to improve your relationship with your spouse or a friend? GREAT! Get ready for the roadblocks and setbacks!

*Click HERE for the podcast* 

Do you want to learn something new (even if it means taking some special courses) in order to bring in some extra income?  GREAT! Get ready for the roadblocks and setbacks!

Do you desire to become more intentional in developing and maintaining a positive mindset?  GREAT! Get ready for the roadblocks and setbacks!

No one - and I mean NO one - has ever achieved "success" in an area that desired success without encountering ROADBLOCKS and setbacks. And, friend, it won't be any different for you.

The answer?  Strengthen your resolve...your determination. 

The word, "resolve" is the root word for "resolution" which many of you likely have tied in with the words, "New Year". One of the definitions given for "resolution" is to "make a FIRM DECISION to either do or NOT do something".

So, first and foremost, you must make a DECISION and it must be "firm" in order to "run THROUGH the roadblocks" as the title says. 

Let me direct you to a set of videos I did on this topic of "How to Develop and Maintain a Positive Mindset" (Positive Mindset 101). You can access that series by going HERE

Another way to put it that may help you along the way (you may want to post this somewhere that you will see it everyday and several times a day): COMMIT and CONTINUE 

 Until next time...

#FutureYouUniversity  #MikeSpillman #Success  #PsitiveMdset  #PersonalDevelopment

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