Thursday, January 11, 2024

POSITIVE MINDSET 101 (The Importance of a POSITIVE Mindset)


Be sure to listen to the podcast/watch the video on each one of these topics in this series. You can find the links to them down below.

Some people wonder WHY having a positive mindset matters. As a matter of fact, while doing a recent search on questions that people are asking in this area, that very question came up just about more than any other. WHY does it matter and WHAT DIFFERENCE can it make in a person's life?

Although there's not a "Webster-type" definition of POSITIVE MINDSET since it's two words, I did find some suggested "definitions/descriptions" for it. 

Here's one: "The practice of focusing on the GOOD in ANY given situation." And another: "You are OPTIMISTIC about the world around you, and you EXPECT that good things will happen to you." 

You may even remember the late Dr. Norman Vincent Peale using the acrostic, "PMA" which stands for Positive Mental Attitude. That's what we are talking about.

For example, you may have seen or been around someone that just seems to ALWAYS be happy and, that being the case, they spread "joy and happiness" wherever they go! And, at the same time, you've seen people that are just the opposite. Oh, they spread joy and happiness alright, but it's usually when they LEAVE a room!

Which do you want to be? Which do you think describes YOU at this point in your life?

I will do all I can to help you understand the absolute NECESSITY in developing (and MAINTAINING) and positive mindset, but you have to DECIDE - first and foremost - that you actually seek/want that for your life.

Let me just go ahead and tell you: Your life will IMPROVE for the better in EVERY area of your life by dong so...developing and learning to maintain a positive mindset. That's not an over-statement, friend. It is an absolute FACT!

 Let's break that down and look at some definitions. First of all, the word DECIDE: "come to a resolution in the mind as a result of consideration". Let's break it down even more and look at the word, RESOLUTION: "a firm decision to do or not do something". And then the word, CONSIDERATION: "careful thought, typically over a period of time".

Do you want to know why most people fall short on their "New Year's Resolutions"? It's because they don't fully understand the meaning of the word, "RESOLUTION". Look at it. It's a FIRM decision to either do something (start walking and cutting back on fast food, for example) or NOT do something (stop sitting on the couch eating a bag of chips).  And, it is something that involves CAREFUL THOUGHT, typically over a period of time. In other words, it is not a "half-way" and "off the cuff" is a FIRM decision!

Even if you don't complete understand this whole thing of "personal development" and "positive mindset", you CAN (and MUST) make a decision to improve your life (and attitude) if, indeed, you desire to actually IMPROVE your life - in ALL areas of your life.  

This is the FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT step! (Let's continue with the next part of this series)...

Part 2: Beware the Mine (MIND) Field

You are likely aware of "land mines" that are hidden in/on the ground with the idea of someone stepping on one and it blowing up causing great injury or death. They are usually connected to those involved in a war but, even at that, there are many times that innocent people (those that have nothing to do with the war) are injured or even killed.

In our discussion of developing and maintaining a POSITIVE MINDSET, I would rename this as a "MIND Field". Think of it as "hidden dangers" that can cause serious injury or even "death" to a person's positive mindset and desire to maintain such a mindset. These are things that can "cause" or "add to" a NEGATIVE mindset and, friend, they are EVERY where (as you will begin to discover in today's episode).

A few weeks ago I did a podcast/video on the topic, "You CAN NOT Change!" (for some reason, I did not do a blog article but you can go to the podcast link and the YouTube link and find it easily). The point of that episode was that you truly CAN NOT change if you approach life with the same old mindset! 

Now, don't miss this point: Your mindset - even if negative - DEFINITELY has an impact on your life (EVERY area of your life). It is simply not a mindset that will bring about positive change and a better future. Get the point yet?

Take a look at this quote by Claude Diamond:

 CHANGE takes time and, usually, it is not easy. That's just the way it is and you need to be aware of that.

Now, let's get to some SPECIFICS and take a look at some things IN YOUR OWN LIVING SPACE that may be "MIND FIELDS" in your own home. Are you ready? Take notes and add your own thoughts to this list.

1. Television: It doesn't matter if you are watching something "live" or if you are watching/steaming movies, etc. A couple of things that you need to do with this...First, actually "log" your time of how much time you spend watching t.v in all forms. I suggest doing this over a period of at least 3 days. Perhaps a day or two during the week (after you get home from your job, for example) AND also over the weekend when you likely spend more time doing so. Don't just log in how much TIME but WHAT the content is of what you allow into your mind/mindset through this avenue. What kind of shows are you watching...what kind of content are you allowing into your mindset? Be HONEST and be SPECIFIC.

2. Music: Yes, we must also log the same information in connection to the music that we listen to on a daily basis. After all, THIS ALSO "feeds" our mind - either positive or negative. Sure, I get it. There is some music that the beat just lifts you up but, what about the message? Again, be HONEST and be SPECIFIC on this one as well. It's kind of like someone trying to lose weight that are having a hard time giving up that ice cream that they are used to having as a "treat" every night. Remember, you must make a FIRM DECISION in what you want. And must ACT UPON that decision.

3. Social Media: (Play ominous music here!) Here's where it may get really tough for you. But, again, follow the same formula for logging your time/content as mentioned above and - once again - you MUST be HONEST and SPECIFIC in order for you to actually understand the impact of these "Mind Fields" in your own home. Who do you "follow" and what kind of content do they share that you "consume"? Is it positive or negative? What about your own posts? Are they full of negative content (griping, complaining, etc.) or are they posts that actually can "lift" or "encourage" those that read?

4. Texting: Most of you probably don't talk on the phone as much as you text. Well, you know the drill by now, right? This one is easy to track unless you delete your texts right away. Go back and take a look (remember, HONEST and SPECIFIC) when you log this information. 

5. What You READ: I don't know how much you read or what avenue you use for your reading. Perhaps you read an actual, physical book or you do so on your phone via an app or even listen to an "audio book".  Just like all of the rest listed above, LOG THE INFORMATION to determine how MUCH information you allow into your mind in this way as well as WHAT TYPE OF CONTENT you allow into your mind. Do I need to say it again? Be HONEST and SPECIFIC if you truly want to make improvement.  

My guess is that you will be SURPRISED at how much TIME you spend consuming this information into you mind/mindset as well as "what kind" of information you are allowing into your mind.

So, PART 1 of your homework is to go through each one of these that I listed and take the time to "log" the time and content as I suggested. Total each category up (perhaps even get an "average" after logging it over a period of several days) and then take a long look at your information that you've gathered.

PART 2 of your homework is to take a look around YOUR surroundings and ADD anything to the list that I may not have covered. Just as you would not want anyone who has the responsibility of discovering and removing actual mines in a mine field to do a "half-way" job and then tell you to walk on through, neither should you desire to approach this task in the same way. IT IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE in this process!

I would LOVE to hear some of your findings. You can either leave a comment here OR go to my website/Facebook page:  and leave your comment until the information about this blog article or one of the ones featuring the podcasts and/or video. 

What's next?

In our next article/episode we will look at what we must do once we begin REMOVING these "mines" from our "MIND Field" and what comes next in that process.

We will also begin to look at another area full of those dangerous "MIND Fields" and begin to talk about our RELATIONSHIPS.

Until next time, whatever you do, always be sure to...
Make it an AWESOME day - who else is going to do it for you?


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