Friday, November 19, 2021

Success Factor #1: LOOK UP!

Notice that the RSS Feed AND the iTunes podcast links have changed (11.1.21)!
Click on the links at the bottom of the blog to access the new information.
I begin this new, 5 part series, based on something that "came to me" back in August of this year. However, I don't feel that it just "came to me" but rather, I feel that God put this in my mind to share with those that seek to improve their lives in the area of maintaining a positive mindset. 
The following picture is the card that I wrote that thought down on that particular day...

 These are, indeed, SUCCESS FACTORS for anyone that desires to move forward in their life and with their plans for their life! In order to do so you must LOOK UP, GET UP, GET GOING, KEEP GOING and (though it doesn't appear on this card) DON'T YOU DARE EVER GIVE UP!
Too many times we may become lost simply due to the fact that we are not "looking up" and keeping our eyes open for opportunity that is available to us each and every day. 
You've heard the saying, "When one door shuts, another door opens", right? If you are not paying attention and/or LOOKING UP, you may very well MISS seeing that door when it opens.  
For me, when I picture someone keeping their head down it indicates someone that is doing all that they can simply to "protect" themself. "Keep your head down!" so that you don't suffer a blow to the head. Though I understand that approach in some situations when it comes to some sort of physical danger, this is NOT what one needs to do when battling the negativity that tries to defeat us along the way.  
We must LOOK UP and determine the best way (path) to take in order to ATTACK the negativity "head on" with a POWERFUL and POSITIVE forward movement! 
For me, as a Christian, I must acknowledge that I must also LOOK UP for guidance from God in all areas of my life. I love the following verse found in Psalm 121: 1-2..."I lift up my eyes to the mountains - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."
Be sure to listen to the podcast that goes along with this topic (see link below) to get some extra information that won't be a part of this article. I do want to share with you the following graphic from Stephen Hawking on the importance of LOOKING UP...

Be sure to join me in the next article as we continue on with SUCCESS FACTOR #2: GET UP!

Until next time, remember, YOU'RE HERE FOR A REASON and, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"



Monday, November 15, 2021

How Do YOU "Start Your Engine" For the Day?


Notice that the RSS Feed AND the iTunes podcast links have changed (11.1.21)!
Click on the links at the bottom of the blog to access the new information.
When race car drivers hear the command, "Gentlemen/Drivers....START YOUR ENGINES!" they don't have to worry about whether or not their car is ready to race. They KNOW that their team has already put in many hours in preparation for this moment and that they have done whatever it was that needed to be done in order to BE PREPARED for this car to run at it's best for this race.
It's really easy to make the connection here, right? The title already makes that "jump" for you but I'll say it again: What do YOU do to prepare for YOUR "race"? What do YOU do to make sure that your "car runs at it's best for this race"? How do YOU "start your engine" for the day? 

Can you imagine a race team approaching this with the attitude of..."Well, the car ran fine for the last race so it should be o.k."??? Or how about, "Surely somebody checked to make sure there was gas in the car, right?" NO OWNER of a race car or "team" would allow such because this would mean FINANCIAL DISASTER for that owner!

The time to prepare for the race is NOT at the start of the race. In the same way, the time to prepare for your day is NOT at the start - or AS you start - your day.
Yes, you may START your day doing certain things to "set the tone" and direction for your day BUT, I can promise you that, if you do this, you have PREVIOUSLY decided what you were going to do once you began that day. Am I right? 

You control your day (as much as possible) OR your day controls you. Too many go through their day(s) without any control or plan and wonder why things feel so "out of control" 

I won't try to tell you that I accomplish what I'm going to share with you EVERY day BUT I can tell you that this is my PLAN on how I want and need to begin each day so that I can begin my day with a positive mindset. And, yes, I've thought it out ahead of time and actually have an "activity tracker" set up to help me "stay on track" and follow my plan. (By the way, be sure to listen to the podcast on this topic...there's always additional information to be found there).
1. Get out of bed and go for a walk. (I walk 1.1 miles...that's just how my route turned out)
2. AS I WALK, I pray. (This is my time of PRAISE and THANKSGIVING to GOD for all that He has done for me and IS doing for me in my life. This is also my time to bring my desires before Him).
3. AS I WALK, I also say my "8 DAILY AFFIRMATIONS" for my life and I also say (all of this I do OUT LOUD) my "Relationship Declaration" that I put together a few years back for my relationship with my wife.
4. AS I WALK I also verbally state some scriptures that I have in my head as well as a few other "declarations" that I've made a habit to verbally state each day.
5. After my walk and once I return to the house, I work out on my "Total Gym" for about 20 minutes and then take a shower.
6. I then read - OUT LOUD - one page (there are 6 pages total) of my "scripture declarations" that I have typed out. POWERFUL!
7. I then fix my cup of coffee and sit and listen to at least one and often, two, spiritually encouraging podcasts. (I crank up the playback speed to where I can still hear and understand what is being said but, at the same time, to make the most of my time).
8. After this, I read my Bible. (For me, I read from my "physical Bible" one day and then read in a different section on line the next).
9. I also, at some point during the day, read from a book that I have picked out to read. (Once I finish the one I am currently reading, I have 3 more picked out. Two that I have not ever read and one that I will re-read).
10. I also have listed on my "to-do" activity sheet other things that I want to be sure and do my best to accomplish during each day if at all possible. 
(#'s 1-8 take a total of about 1.5 hours of my morning)

It's also important to notice what I DON'T do...I DON'T start my day reading emails, checking my social media or turning on the T.V. or listening to the "news".  
 When you listen to the podcast you will hear what 16 other people shared with me about how THEY start THEIR morning. The MAJORITY of them will be very consistent in their answers while a few start theirs off with a little less focus and intention. 

What about YOU? Do you have any sort of "plan" for your day BEFORE your day begins? If not, I would suggest you consider starting one but to NOT wait for January 1st to do so! 

Just like anything else, it will be hard to do at first BUT if you are determined to improve your life one day at a time, you WILL take the actions needed to DO THIS CONSISTENTLY! That's why it is important to have some sort of "activity tracking" program set up (mine is a simple spread sheet that I'd be happy to share with you). 

Listen to the podcast, go to my Facebook page (link below) and leave a comment with your thoughts and - oh, by the way - be sure to fill out the form at and get your copy of my FREE e-book on how to avoid being "Paralyzed by Fear".

Until next time, remember, YOU'RE HERE FOR A REASON and, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"



Monday, November 8, 2021

You Found "THE" Door...WHAT NOW?

Notice that the RSS Feed AND the iTunes podcast links have changed (11.1.21)!
Click on the links at the bottom of the blog to access the new information.

 As always, be sure to read the previous articles in this series as well as listening to the podcasts that go along with this topic. As is pointed out above, be sure to notice that the iTunes and RSS feed have been updated in the links at the end of this article.

In today's article, I conclude this series that with "part 2" of the "final step" in the "Asking, Seeking, Knocking" formula that comes from Matthew 7: 7-8.

In the last article I discussed about WHY you have decided to "knock" on THAT particular door after the "seeking" part of this process. Again, be sure to go back and read's very important to consider. I also left you with the following scriptures to think about leading into today's article about what you do once that "door" has been "opened" and you have discovered the answer for which you have sought.

 This is found in Matthew 13: 44-46...

 The Parable of the Hidden Treasure 
44 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. 
The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price 
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, 46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it."
Now that you have found what you say you were looking for - that "thing" for which you have intently searched - what will you do now?

 In the scriptures that I shared with you above, you see that - in BOTH situations - when the person that was doing the SEEKING/SEARCHING found that for which they searched (vs. 44 does not indicate an actual "search" but does indicate one that realized the value of what was found) they acted according to the VALUE that they perceived that "thing for which they searched" held. In BOTH of these situations, they sold ALL THAT THEY HAD so that they could buy that "treasure"! WOW!

We have already discovered TWO WAYS for you (or anyone paying attention to what you are doing or saying) to KNOW how truly valuable that "treasure" is for which you seek. You see, SAYING it or TALKING about it is one thing but the ACTION that follows actually speaks the TRUTH about the matter!

1. How intently your actually SEEK that for which you SAY you desire. Again, your ACTIONS will speak much louder than your WORDS

2. What you actually do once you have "found" that "treasure" for which you seek. What ACTION will you take now that you have found it? What VALUE do you place on that "treasure"?

There are times that people SAY that they want or desire something only - once they have discovered the "cost" - to later decide that they really DIDN'T want it. 

But, for those that have shown, from the beginning of their "seeking", that their "WHY" is, indeed, of great importance to them they also demonstrate the same once they have found their "treasure"! They will not give a second thought to whatever "cost" may be attached to that "treasure" because THIS is THE THING for which they have been searching. They have not ever given up or stopped seeking! They KEPT ON SEEKING even when others may have told them to give up.

Which describes YOU and that "thing" for which you say you are willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to achieve or obtain? Again, your ACTIONS will answer that question regardless of what you may say with your words. 

I appreciate you taking the time to read this blog article. I began these back in 2009 and, though I've had some set-backs from time to time, I still continue to try to encourage those who read them as well as those that listen to my podcasts.

Be sure to stop by my Facebook page and leave your comments about this article or, better yet, this series that I conclude with this entry. I'd love to hear from you.

Until next time, remember, YOU'RE HERE FOR A REASON and, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


Friday, November 5, 2021

Your Decision to KNOCK

Notice that the RSS Feed AND the iTunes podcast links have changed (11.1.21)!
Click on the links at the bottom of the blog to access the new information. 
Alright, now that we have THAT out of the way, let's get on with today's topic - the "final step" in the "Asking, Seeking, Knocking" formula that comes from Matthew 7: 7-8.
Be sure to go back and read the previous blog articles on this series and, FOR SURE, go and listen to the podcasts (notice the "special announcement" above about the links below) to get fully caught up on this series. Why is this important? Because this series (as in ALL series that I do) goes through a specific process...a specific "order of events" that will benefit you most when done in that order. 
I've already covered the "Asking" and "Seeking" part of this process and now we get to the point of actually "knocking on the door" but, first, a main question to consider...
WHAT is it that has led you to THIS particular "door"? Another way to word it would be, WHY have you decided to knock on THIS "door"?
In your process of SEEKING, what is it that has led you to this discovery...this "door"? You need to really examine yourself and do your best to discover the answer to these questions so that you can be confident that YOU have not directed this search to find only what YOU were willing to "see" and "find". 
You may not really KNOW the answer to those questions and, to some extent, that is o.k. BUT you need to try to make sure that you haven't followed only what YOU wanted to follow. You need to make sure that you did not ignore or willingly pass up "signs" or "opportunities" that may have led you a different way in your search because YOU decided that you liked the way something else "looked" or "felt" better. HOW HONEST HAVE YOU BEEN IN YOUR SEEKING?
Sometimes you just have to have FAITH! Notice the definition of faith that is given in the Bible in the book of Hebrews, chapter 1, verse 1: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (NKJV) WOW! I love this definition of FAITH because it clearly states that there is SUBSTANCE and EVIDENCE and that it is NOT just "wishful thinking"!
It is the "substance of things hoped for". THIS is your WHY and this is your DESIRE for that thing for which you have been SEEKING! There is SUBSTANCE there because this DESIRE has been so great - your WHY has been so strong - that it has caused you to MOVE and TAKE ACTION! You have decided that you MUST find this for which you have such a desire and you will do whatever it takes, go wherever you must go in order to find "it"! 
FAITH is also the "evidence of things not seen". Listen friend, the fact that you BELIEVE that your answer lies behind that door on which you have decided to knock is all based on - even though you have to have FAITH about what is behind that "door" - EVIDENCE that has led you to believe that THIS is THE door that leads to your answer! You have NO IDEA what actually is behind that "door" but...based on your "evidence" have FAITH (believe) that, indeed, this is where you answer can be found! 
Now then, as a way to prepare for our next - and concluding - article in this series, I want to point you to another section of scripture in which Jesus speaks in a couple of parables. This is found in Matthew 13: 44-46...
 The Parable of the Hidden Treasure 
44 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. 
The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price 
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, 46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it."
Use these verses to prepare for the next article as I conclude by asking WHAT IF the door opens and you DO find "the answer" for which you have been seeking.

Until next time, remember, YOU'RE HERE FOR A REASON and, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"
