Thursday, January 4, 2024

Will YOU "Settle for LESS"??

 "Ninety-nine percent of people in the word are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things, so they aim for the mediocre. The level of competition is thus fiercest for 'realistic' goals, paradoxically making them the most time and energy-consuming. It's easier to raise $1,000,000 than it is $100,000. It's easier to pick up the one perfect 10 in the bar than the five 8's." - Tim Ferriss

I came across this quote this morning while reading from the book, "10X is Easier Than 2X" by Dan Sullivan with Dr. Benjamin Hardy. That type of thought is what this book is all about but, at the same time, it STILL got my attention!

I couldn't help but think about that quote in connection with the fact that (as I write this article) we are 3 days into a new year. Yes, many people make BIG "resolutions" for the new year and, due to a lack of discipline along with several other factors, usually fail and fail rather quickly. "So, since I always fail at making my "resolutions" I just won't make any or set any goals at all."

Yeah, that doesn't work either.

At least not for those who DO actually desire MORE and BETTER for their life.

Listen, I'm dedicated to helping YOU learn how to actually put ACTION behind those desires!

Here's another quote from the above mentioned book that came from the author himself. Read this closely and pay close attention:

"Whatever you focus on and commit to, you become the master of."

Perhaps this is the best place to start this journey of avoiding mediocrity and living a fulfilling life...FOCUS.

Write your thoughts down on that and allow your thoughts to "run free" (aka "brainstorm") and see what comes out of it. Take the time to really look over what you have written and consider them carefully and seriously.

I'd love to hear from you on what you came up with and, maybe, some things that I can use from some future articles to share with you.

I will be continuing this line of thought and I also encourage you to listen to the podcast on this topic as well as watch the video. You'll be glad you did!

Until next time, 

Whatever you do, always be sure to make it an AWESOME day - who else is going to do it for you?


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