Saturday, October 5, 2019

Inspired to Inspire

"You Can't Give What You Don't Have!"

I believe that a majority of people have a desire to inspire others. But, at the same time, I would also suggest that a majority of people don't know HOW to inspire others.

It's really fairly simple - or, at least STATING the solution is fairly simple. "Be Inspired, Inspire Others" or, as the title says, we must be "Inspired to Inspire". And, yes, still yet: "You Can't Give What You Don't Have." 

Get the point? One must first HAVE inspiration in order to share that inspiration and, at the same time, inspire others.

 Here's a simple example that may make it even clearer. Let's say that you have a desire to share some grain that you have with others. Perhaps it's been a very harsh year and many of those around you are struggling. But, when you go to your barrel of grain you notice that there is barely enough grain in the barrel to cover the bottom. This creates a dilemma in that now you have to decide to give a little more (and very little at that) to one or two people OR to give a little less to maybe three or four people.

However, if you go to your grain barrel and the grain is full and spilling out onto the floor around the barrel then you have the ability to help a larger group of people with a larger amount of grain! What you have will determine what you are able to give and share.

Who - or what - inspires you? 

Perhaps it is the beauty of God's creation around you or the beautiful laughter of a baby. Maybe even the unconditional love of a pet. What have you read that has inspired you? Maybe you find inspiration in Scripture or maybe there are certain authors that have inspired you. I know that there have been many authors that I have read that have really inspired me in the area of doing all that I can to work on myself and protect a positive mindset. To be honest, some of those, I don't even remember their names but, at the same time, there are some of the "greats" such as Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar and Bob Proctor among others.  Every blog article that I've ever written can be found in this blog. Hopefully you can be inspired by some of the things you find and read here. 

This doesn't mean that you have to be in some major leadership or management position to inspire others. When you become inspired you become like that barrel that is overflowing with grain. You cannot help BUT share inspiration - and you can do it without being annoying! 

Just simply live an inspired life. 

As you do so, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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