Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Success Iceberg

I've shared this image before and even have mentioned it before but, today, I want to "dive" a little deeper into what is represented by the picture that you see above. 

I've also mentioned before that success of any kind is not an "overnight sensation". What you SEE is illustrated as being above the water in the picture above. What you SEE is the public acknowledgement of a person's success.

If you desire success - in ANY area - "what you see is NOT what you get". Let me explain.

Most of us can relate to the example of someone who makes it to the Olympics. We understand that, making it to the Olympics in and of itself, is a great accomplishment. I also believe that most of us understand that this "success" did not happen overnight and that it took YEARS of sacrifice and many, long hours of training for that person to achieve this level of success.  

Many begin at a very early age preparing for this future success. Sure, many times it begins as a goal or dream of their parents BUT, at the same time and at some point in time, they also have to "buy into" the dream in order to dedicate themselves to this extensive training and sacrifice. 

Those that actually reach the level of winning a gold, silver or bronze medal in the Olympics are receiving those public accolades or what you "see" as "the tip of the iceberg".  Again, what you DON'T see is all that went into that success.

Success is something that many say that they want. Many will swear up and down that they are ready to do "whatever it takes" in order to achieve success. And, though many may THINK that they are ready and willing to do "whatever it takes", few actually are.  

As is usually the case, it all boils down to the strength of your "why" and the power of your purpose. Put another way: HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?

You MUST "count the cost" because, friend, there WILL be cost - in many different ways,for the success that you seek. There will be "sweat equity" cost and there will be financial cost. You must also understand that there will be "relationship cost" and this is one that you really need to be careful with and consider very seriously. 

WORD OF CAUTION:  Take care that you do not seek your own success at the expense of your children and your spouse. This is a sad mistake that I have seen many make in their pursuit of "success" and, in my opinion, though they may have reached some level of what the world might consider success, they have actually failed. 

Yes, do the best that you can for your family. Show them dedication and persistence. Provide for them the very best that you can but, at the same time, do not do so at their expense. You only get one shot with those kids and it is for a very short period of time. Cherish and protect that time, friend because once it is gone it is gone forever. No matter how badly you may want to "re-do" this time while they are in your care you simply cannot.

Prepare yourself for success but understand that "success" can be defined in many different ways. Yes, prepare yourself for your own success but be cautious and aware of the timing of the sacrifices that must - and will - be made.

Please be sure to listen to the podcast and watch the video on today's topic. You can find the links below. Also, please be sure to stop by my Facebook page and leave some feedback on today's topic. That link can also be found below.

And, until next time, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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