Wednesday, February 14, 2024

WHAT Do YOU Love? (Do You Even Know???)

Click HERE for the PODCAST

Click HERE for the VIDEO

 As I type out this article, it is February 14th...VALENTINE'S DAY...the day that celebrates LOVE.

With that in mind, I have a very important question for you: "WHAT Do YOU Love?" Notice that I did not ask "WHO Do You Love" even though that question also needs to be answered based on what we will discuss today.

WHAT Do You Love? WHAT is your PASSION?

You have heard it asked this way before, I'm sure: "What would you do even if you didn't get paid for it?" or "What would you even do for free?"

A lot of people will SAY that they love someone or something but their actions betray their declaration.

People will declare before a minister and all of the people in attendance that they will love each other "no matter what" (to sum it up) yet, many of those same people will end up not living up to those declarations and will end up divorcing one another.  

MANY will say that something is the MOST IMPORTANT thing in their life yet, again, their ACTIONS say otherwise. 

What about YOU

What do you say that you love and what do you say is most important to you?

Be honest with yourself and then answer the question of what your actions say/show about whatever it is. 

I will discuss this topic in more detail a little later BUT FIRST, I NEED SOMETHING FROM YOU!

I need YOUR input on what YOUR passion is, WHAT are you willing to do in order to obtain that "thing" and WHY is it so important to you? I'm not going to ask you to tell me what your actions actually say on that part...I'll leave that up to you to discuss with yourself.

I really want to get this from you and use it for my future thoughts on this topic. You don't have to tell me your name or anything like that so that you can remain anonymous BUT PLEASE share this information with me by either leaving a comment on this article OR by sending it to me via email at

Thanks, in advance, for your participation and, until next time...

#FutureYouUniversity  #MikeSpillman #Success  #PsitiveMdset  #PersonalDevelopment

Friday, February 9, 2024

Positive Mindset 101: FORCED Relationships (Dealing With Co-Workers) and CONCLUSION

Click HERE for the podcast episode

Click HERE for the YouTube episode

 In today's post I will take the discussion of the "Mind Fields" that can cause great harm to our desire for a POSITIVE MINDSET and apply them for when we deal with those that we have out of "necessity" (some family like in-laws or step family AND our co-worker and managers/bosses). 


As always, if you have not read the previous articles leading up to this one, you NEED to do so. I mean, it's a series, right? Also, if you really want to benefit from this series, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE DONE THE HOMEWORK for the previous articles. Don't want to? That's your choice but, I can tell you even based on that choice, that NOTHING will change in your life in this area. How do I know that? Your decisions in relationship to this "homework" shows your approach to ALL choices and decisions. #TRUTH

So, just as I requested that you in the last article, I want you to write down ALL of the people that fit into the category of "forced relationships" in your life. List them out by name, how much time you spend with them and also rate them from 1 (most negative influence on you) to 10 (most positive influence on you) just as you did in the last assignment. *Note: There is no need to write down EVERY person with which you have contact at work...only those that you MUST spend the most time. Now, of course, even if there is someone that you don't have to spend much time with at work, if they have a profound impact on your - either negative or positive - do include them.

So, again, they could be family members that are "forced" (in-laws, step family, etc.), co-workers, managers/bosses and any others that you may come up with. 

Because you do spend so much time with those "forced relationships" at work (and the same may be true for some of your forced family relationships) it can become very difficult to not allow the negative impact to affect you in a negative way as well. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION if you, indeed, want to improve your mindset and your day even while at work!

With our "relationships by choice" (last article) we can actually make the decision to separate ourselves from those relationships if/when it's necessary BUT it's not always possible to do when it comes to our work environment. So, what do you do then?


That's right! In situations like this, you have no other choice but to ADAPT!

What do I mean by that? It's not likely that even your positive influence is going to have an immediate impact on those difficult people at your workplace BUT you can adapt to the fact that it IS difficult and use your creative mindset to figure out a way to approach this situation in a way that WILL bring positive results over time. How?

1. Determine that you will NOT allow others to impact you in a negative way! Yes, easier said than done but make this your MISSION each and every day and then approach your day with that in mind.

2. Determine that YOU will be the THERMOSTAT and not a THERMOMETER (much more on this in an upcoming article). In other words, YOU be the one that "sets the temperature" and don't just "react" to the "negative temperature" set by others. 

3. Be sure to listen to the podcast or watch the video to hear a story I have shared several times before of how my wife did just that with an Assistant Manager that she was told, when she first began working for this company,  to avoid at all costs because this A.M. was so negative.  End result? This A.M. ended up hand knitting a "throw/blanket" for my wife while my wife was there. TRUE STORY!

And, finally, in these "forced relationship" situations, it may be difficult to apply the "Replace and Remove" model talked about in an earlier article. Sure, you could quit your job but, at the same time, if you're not ready and already have a BETTER situation lined up, that may be a bad choice! Also, consider that if you've not implemented what is being talked about in today's article, you WILL run into the same situation at your next job before long. Then what?

Be GENUINE in your adapting and see what begins to happen when your GENUINE POSITIVE MINDSET begins to have a POSITIVE IMPACT on those around you. 

You know what else MIGHT happen (at this job or due to an offer for another position elsewhere)? You may find that those in management have notice your positive influence and see you as an excellent candidate to use that mindset in a higher position working/influencing more people. 

Click HERE for the PODCAST

Click HERE for the VIDEO

Very simply, the concluding podcast and video asks the question: "NOW WHAT?"

You've been given the "roadmap" on how to actually DO SOMETHING to learn how to DEVELOP and MAINTAIN a positive mindset. 

I will say it again: If you've not been committed enough to even do the "homework" that was assigned along the way, then you will not have the commitment needed to actually change your situation. 

It's up to you BUT I still will offer another source of help for you if you will only REACH OUT and HELP ME as I strive to HELP YOU.

Pay attention here: This process that we have gone through applies to ANY and EVERY area of your life! That is the truth. You apply this to your struggle to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can apply this to a struggle you may have with your marriage or any other close relationship that you have. You can apply this to the struggle of feeling "stuck" in and at your job. Yes, you can even apply this to finances. 

What "hits home" for you? What area would you like to be able to "dig a little deeper" on and get even more help and encouragement with to help you succeed? I NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU SO THAT I CAN HELP YOU IN THAT AREA!

You can either leave a comment here OR you can contact me directly by sending me an email at:

It may take me a few days to respond but, I promise you that I WILL get back in touch with you. 

Until next time, whatever you do...

#FutureYouUniversity  #MikeSpillman #Success  #PsitiveMdset  #PersonalDevelopment