Thursday, January 19, 2012

Joy in the Journey

Today is "Fun Friday!" How appropriate that this day is tagged in such a way on the same day that today's podcast and blog is entitled, "Joy in the Journey". Have some FUN today!

Gas prices. Flat tires. Hotel rates. Road construction. Confusing signs. Detours. Cancelled flights. Wrong flights. Expensive flights. Screaming kids. Screaming adults. Yuck.

Missed deadlines. Others unenthused about your brilliant idea. Job loss. Behind on bills. Credit collectors calling. Sickness. Disease. Broken bones. Broken hearts. Loss due to death. Loneliness.

I've just described situations that may be a part of two different types of journeys. One is obviously connected to some trip or journey we may take in an automobile or plane or any other type of transport. The other, life's journey.

Now friend, if we were to just stop and take a look at these two paragraphs, let me ask you this: would YOU want to be a part of EITHER of these two journeys?

Let's go back to the first one and add some more: Smiling faces. Beaming faces. Children's laughter. Your OWN laughter. Pictures taken to keep those images alive. Sights and sounds shared. Awe. Inspiration. Time spent that will be remembered for a lifetime. Why don't YOU add some more to that list?

And the second one - our journey of life? Let's do the same and add some more descriptive words: Laughter. Love. Memories. Awe. Inspiration. Smiling faces. Beaming faces. Children's laughter. Your OWN laughter. Pictures taken to keep those images alive. Sights and sounds shared. Awe. Inspiration. Time spent that will be remembered for a lifetime. Again, why don't YOU add some more to THIS list?

Isn't it interesting how BOTH of these journeys can be described in much the same way when we consider the JOYS of such a journey?

Sure, there are hurts and disappointments that come and go in life, but don't miss that word...LIFE!

And, in the same way, as you move toward your goals and dreams, don't miss out on the JOY that is in THIS journey as well. Remember, you have had and hopefully still have a PASSION for WHY your are moving toward these goals and dreams. Remember the PURPOSE!

Don't forget to laugh along the way and to share your passion with those around you as you move ever closer to these goals and dreams.

Bottom line: DON'T GET BOGGED DOWN IN THE SET-BACKS! It's all a part of the progress, right?

Whatever you do, in ANY area of life, be sure to FIND JOY IN THE JOURNEY!

And, part of that is being sure to remember to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"

(podcast: )

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