Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Positive, Patient and Persistent

Short and to the point today.
I hope that all of you understand the importance of remaining POSITIVE as we go along this journey called life. You do, right?
Not only does it make a big difference in OUR lives, but it also makes an impact - yes, a POSITIVE impact - on those around us. Many times we may never know what our positive attitude has done for someone else that has crossed our path through the course of a day.
And, thought it's not always easy, I would think that most of us also understand the importance of being PATIENT even as we strive to remain positive. Seriously!
For me, the testing of my patience will often determine whether I keep a positive attitude or if I allow my attitude to take a negative turn. IT'S MY CHOICE. But, wow, I have always tended to be an impatient person and it is literally, a daily struggle. Yes, I am much better than I used to be but, at the same time, I have a long ways to go!
What about you?
So, maybe we can even say it this way: "Stay POSITIVE so that you can practice PATIENCE."
Now, here's the kicker, friend. In order for us to be successful with either remaining positive or patient, it is going to demand - yes, DEMAND - that we be PERSISTENT!
Attempting improvement in anything - ANYTHING - by attempting that improvement for only a short period of time will NEVER bring about that improvement. Make sense?
You will never achieve IMPROVEMENT in anything unless you are PERSISTENT in your pursuit of that improvement. You can't quit or give up early.
You MUST push on even when you give like giving up. Patience, remember?
Remaining persistent is where many fall short and fail.
How determined - how PERSISTENT - are you in achieving whatever it is that you have set out to achieve in and for your life?
The 3 P's of Improvement: Positive, Patient, Persistent
You CAN accomplish what you desire through this process, friend. But don't you DARE, EVER GIVE UP.
Remember, as you continue to "push through" each and every day, always be sure to...
"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"

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