Monday, February 9, 2015

1st of "3 Dangerous Myths to Avoid"

Today I will begin a discussion on "3 Dangerous Myths to Avoid" that I hope you will consider very seriously. These are three things that I've put together myself that is based on several tendencies that I have observed over the past several years.

I have seen an increase in the "belief" and "practice" of each of these and, friend, such is a POISON and a DISEASE for any person and/or society. 

Let's begin with the 1st of these dangerous myths:

Let me start off with this disclaimer, just as I do on the podcast on today's topic. I am NOT talking about situations where a child or adult has been in an abusive situation and/or relationship. Many times, the offender will do all that they can to make the victim believe that this was their fault. Many have problems believing this lie for many years. Again, know this up front - this is NOT what I'm referring to in this article. 

What I AM talking about is the increased occurrence of this attitude that has become prevalent in our society.  I see this evident in our political system, our schools, managers, all the way down to individuals.

It's called an AVOIDANCE OF RESPONSIBILITY.  It's also called "Playing the BLAME GAME".

You'll hear it all around you if you will but open your ears and really listen.The words usually begin with something like, "Well, I would have done it, but..." or "That's what I was about to do next..." or "I wasn't really trained how to do that" or any number of other things that could be labeled as an EXCUSE.

What about you? Have YOU been sipping on this poison?

Here's a quick way to find out: If the first words out of your mouth tend to be some sort of "explanation" (better known as an EXCUSE) as to why you didn't get something done, then, friend, you just exhibited the idea of "It's Not My Fault".

No one is perfect. No one will ever do everything right all of the time. There are times that things do take place that prevents us from completing a task. DO YOU VERY BEST and, if things fall short, stand up and accept the responsibility as well as any consequences that may follow.

If you have children, what are they learning from you in this area? Are they learning - from YOU - how to accept responsibility or how to make excuses?

Rid your life and your vocabulary of this phrase. Remember, you may not verbalize these exact words but, while making excuses, you still state the same thing - "It's Not My Fault!".

It's time that we expected such from those in public office but, friend, we should also expect the same thing from ourselves.

Wouldn't you agree?

Be sure and join me in the next article as we discuss the 2nd of the 3 Dangerous Myths: "It's Not My Job".

Until then, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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