Monday, May 30, 2016


In today's podcast I share a clip that I recorded back on September 17, 2012. An advertisement had come on the radio station that my wife and I were listening to and it indicated that if you ordered the cable package being advertised TODAY that you could then have an "awesome tomorrow". 


All I have to do is order this particular cable package and I will have an AWESOME tomorrow?

Wow, that's easy, right? 

I close out each of my blog articles and my podcasts with the phrase, "Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Yeah, go ahead and's down there. And, I worded that phrase the way I did ON PURPOSE!

The idea is to be determined that your day will be awesome - and that YOU will be the one in charge of making it that way. It's not dependent on other people or other things - its up to YOU!

Yes, it IS possible to have an AWESOME day even when everything is not just right. Yes, it IS possible to have an AWESOME day even when other people don't treat you just right. It IS possible because YOU have determined for your day to be awesome REGARDLESS of the circumstances. 

Have you ever heard of, or maybe even noticed for yourself, people that seem to "have it all" but, yet, are still miserable? Believe me, even if you haven't noticed these people - THEY ARE OUT THERE! "Stuff" doesn't make one happy nor does it make life awesome. 

Think about it. Have you ever noticed children that are all excited about a new gift that they receive for their birthday or, maybe, for Christmas? And, have you also noticed that, many times, after a short period of time this same gift doesn't get much attention any more?  "NEW THINGS", whether it's a toy, a car, a house, a job, a boyfriend or girlfriend or spouse or even a locations aren't "new" for long. The "shiny" wears of and the "new smell" goes away while the "thrill and excitement" becomes harder and harder to keep up. 

Then what?

Many jump to a new "toy", a new car, house, job, boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse and even location only to go through the process all over again...and again...and again.

Several years ago I spent some time with a family down in Mexico. Compared to what we have in America, this family didn't have much. Their hot water heater was a black, plastic barrel that sat on top of the roof to absorb heat from the sun. Their house was very small and have very few modern appliances. Yet, I noticed that they (and many other families that I met) were some of the happiest people that I had ever met. 

I don't know all of the reasons as to why they were so happy but, I do know this: THEY DIDN'T BASE THEIR HAPPINESS ON "STUFF"! Their days were awesome because they made a decision to live a life "full of awesome" and it was obvious to those of us from the States. 

And it caused me to take a look at my own life and how, many times, we base our happiness or our feeling of awesome on what we do or don't have. 

So, do you want YOUR day (and life) to be AWESOME? Then decide, right now, that you will MAKE it that way. Make a choice and choose "awesome". 

Easier said than done? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean that it should be ignored and not applied.

As always, if you haven't done so yet, you need to listen to the podcast on today's topic. Just click one of the links at the bottom of this article to do so. There is SO MUCH MORE information and additional thoughts that I share with you there that is not found in this article. 

If you listen by going to iTunes, please take a moment and leave a review - I thank you in advance! Also, be sure to stop by the FYU fan page on Facebook and let me know that you left that review AND to just say "hello" and let me know that you are benefiting from Future You University

As always, THANKS for joining me today and, please, share this with as many as possible and always be sure to keep moving forward, closer to your dream!

And, until next time, whatever you do,  be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


Where Is YOUR Focus?

In today's podcast (Podcast son iTune or  Podcast RSS feed), I share a little audio clip that I recorded on my phone on February 18, 2014, which simply states, "Stop focusing on what isn't and start focusing on what is."

It's really a very simple statement but, at the same time, a very POWERFUL one! If you haven't done so yet, take a moment and take a listen - you'll be glad you did.


"Stop focusing on what isn't and start focusing on what is." - Mike Spillman


Too many times, too many people spend too much time focusing on what isn't.  Think about it.

Yes, while I encourage you to have goals and plans for your future - a BETTER future - we need to make sure that we don't do so to the expense of missing what is around us every day. It's easy to focus so much attention on what hasn't become reality yet that we fail to notice what we DO have right now. 

Hey, as a parent of three adult children, I especially want  to encourage not to be aware of and appreciative of those precious children that are around you each and every day while they are still at home.  Time goes by quickly!

I saw a graphic on a social media page the other day that read something along the lines of, "Focus on your BLESSINGS more than you do your BURDENS." 

You've also likely heard the old saying that "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." Again, it's the idea of wanting and/or focusing on what we DON'T have instead of being aware (and appreciative) of what we DO have. 

Don't focus on the bad - focus on the good.
Don't focus on the negative - focus on the positive.
Don't focus on what is wrong with your job - focus (and be thankful) for what is right about your job.
Don't focus on what is wrong with your family - focus on what is right.
Don't focus on what is wrong with your spouse - focus on what is right. 
Don't focus on what isn't - focus on what is.

And live life in the NOW, not the LATER. Truth is, you CAN'T live it in the "later" for TODAY is all that you have at your disposal.      

Again, if you haven't done so yet, you need to listen to the podcast on today's topic. Just click one of the links at the bottom of this article to do so. There is SO MUCH MORE information and additional thoughts that I share with you there that is not found in this article. 

If you listen by going to iTunes, please take a moment and leave a review - I thank you in advance! Also, be sure to stop by the FYU fan page on Facebook and let me know that you left that review AND to just say "hello" and let me know that you are benefiting from Future You University

As always, THANKS for joining me today and, please, share this with as many as possible and always be sure to keep moving forward, closer to your dream!

And, until next time, whatever you do,  be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

REPOST: "What Are Your Dreams Worth?"

I'm still away on a trip on my motorcycle, so I wanted to be sure to leave you with something to digest for today! (And, hey, it's not just sugar free - it's CALORIE FREE!).
This was my 2nd blog article that went along with my podcast on the same topic - just like I still do today. So, be sure to read the article but, also, be sure to listen to the podcast for the "complete package" on this topic. 


Today, on our way home for a High School state tournament basketball game I saw this sign in front of a church building (you know, those signs with changeable letters that many churches have out front?) - "Everyone loves the harvest - no one loves the plowing" and I thought, "Wow, how profound!"

As a matter of fact, it completely took me in a new direction for the podcast that I had already planned - but that's nothing unusual for me!

We all enjoy eating the fruit of the harvest whether it be watermelon, fresh peas, lettuce or whatever it is that you enjoy. But, how many of us enjoy the hours of hard work out in the sun that MUST take place in order for the harvest to take place?


But, if you want the harvest you prepare the soil, plant the seed, keep the weeds away, water and all of the other things anyway.

What are your dreams worth? Are you willing to put in the time and effort to make them come true? Are you expecting things to just drop into your lap? If so, join the millions throwing down their money with the hopes of one day winning the lottery!

Bottom line: You must be willing to put some ACTION into your DREAMS!

What's it worth? Is it worth turning off the television? Is it worth some exta time even AFTER you return home from your "real" job?

Only you can decide. If you listen to my podcast you will hear some trememdous quotes that I found on "persistence". The "value" that you have placed on your dreams will determine the level and amount of your persistence.

What's it worth? You decide and....

Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)

Mike Spillman

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A Revisit to the FIRST F.Y.U. Blog Article

This is a little different than what I usually do for my blog articles but, I am out for a couple of days on my motorcycle and I wanted to be sure to leave something behind for you to read and contemplate. I have "gone back in time" and decided to share the very first podcast that aired on March 2, 2009 as well as the blog article that went along with it.
Now, to be honest, there's not a whole lot to the blog article (remember, I was just starting out) so be sure to take the time to listen to the podcast - you'll be glad you did!
Here's the focus of that first article entitled, "There is HOPE - and TODAY IS THE DAY!".

I'm not going to go back over everything I talked about in that podcast entitled, "There Is Hope" but I do want to simply "touch base" on a little of it to share with you here.

In the podcast I quote a few other people on their thoughts about "hope" and I also share one that I came up with myself which is: "As long as there is breath - there is hope." (not too shabby, huh?)

Don't ever forget that! No matter how dark things may seem - no matter how hopeless they may appear --- as long as you have breath, THERE IS HOPE!

Listen to the podcast and then begin to look around you through the "eyes of HOPE" as opposed to looking thorough the darkness of doom and despair.

Please feel free to leave comments and/or ask questions - I'd love to get your feedback and hear from you.

Until next time - "Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"

M. Spillman


CONCLUSION: "Share and Teach Family and Others!"

"Learning", of any type, is achieved through sharing of information. Wouldn't you agree?
Parents, teachers, and others pass along information to our children and they learn - good or bad - that which is shared with them. 

If you will notice on the picture above, I have circled the focus of today's article: "Share and Teach Family and Others!". When I originally wrote the main phrase about finding and keeping our joy and peace, I realized that it was also important to TEACH and SHARE and, especially, to do so with FAMILY FIRST and then others. 

Let's talk about sharing and teaching with our family first. There are not many things that are more valuable than to help our children learn how to find JOY and PURPOSE in their lives. Notice I said, "teach them HOW TO FIND" and not, "tell them what it is". That's one thing we must be careful of and avoid. We can NOT tell anyone else what it is that brings joy and purpose in their life but we CAN help them in the process of discovering that for themselves. 

Go back and read again the articles on finding our joy and also on finding our purpose and use some of the information there to help in this process. We can help our children understand that, often, we find true joy while serving others. We can point out how this is discussed and promoted in the Bible as well as just about every "positive information" source that has ever been printed. You can also hear just about every motivational speaker say the same thing (as well as write the same thing).  WHY? Because it's true!

Helping our children to discover joy through serving as well as helping them understand that they DO have a purpose in life and it begins in the world that is nearest to them - their world - is one of the greatest things we can do for them. Help them to understand that, when we say that their purpose in life begins in "their world" that we are not saying that they are the "center of the universe of their world". Make sense? 

And, don't forget, they will learn best by observing what YOU AND I do in our own lives. That's right - they're watching us!

SHARING AND TEACHING OTHERS - I'll start this part of the article where I finished the last one. Those around us will most often "learn" through observing how we put this into practice in our own lives. Don't miss the importance of this and, especially, how it relates to this process with others (non-family).

Here's a little "warning" for you: If you try to "tell" everyone what to do in this area, you will likely be met with resistance and ridicule. And, when you have a "bad day", you will hear about it from them because you have already presented yourself as an "expert" in the area. Hey, I'm just being real here. People don't like to be "told" or "preached at" by others. 

Here's how this works with others...

Your example through discovering this in your own life will work as a "magnet" for some and it will draw them to you. Notice I said, "some". Not everyone will pay attention and not everyone WANTS to find joy in their life. I know that sounds odd but, truth be told, a lot of people ENJOY being miserable regardless of what they say.  (Also be aware that these are the same people that will likely do as much as they can to ridicule you and discourage you along the way. They are miserable and they want everyone else to be miserable as well).

But, there are those that will be "drawn" to you and the way that you handle yourself. Living a life of joy and purpose will automatically draw others to you and, many times, they will want to know HOW you are able to live life the way that you do. Don't take this as a sign to "dump it all" on them at one time! No, just take the time to share with them a little at a time - over time - so that it can be absorbed along the way. Most importantly, continue to SHOW THEM by how you live. 

You can share these articles with them. You can also share that free resource from Jack Canfield that I discussed recently (and I highly recommend that). Just go to and look for the 10 Day Transformation Course and sign up for it - again, it's FREE!

Help them understand (and this applies to our family as well) that this is something that takes time and that it is a process. It's not a magical formula that happens overnight. Every person is different and it will take some people longer than others.

That's o.k.

Life is a marathon and not a sprint. Enjoy the journey and don't focus solely on the destination. 

Thank you for allowing me to experience joy and purpose in my life through sharing this blog and my podcast with you on a regular basis. I do mean that - THANK YOU!

If you haven't done so yet, you need to listen to the podcast on today's topic. Just click one of the links at the bottom of this article to do so. There is SO MUCH MORE information and additional thoughts that I share with you there that is not found in this article. 

If you listen by going to iTunes, please take a moment and leave a review - I thank you in advance! Also, be sure to stop by the FYU fan page on Facebook and let me know that you left that review AND to just say "hello" and let me know that you are benefiting from Future You University

As always, THANKS for joining me today and, please, share this with as many as possible and always be sure to keep moving forward, closer to your dream!

And, until next time, whatever you do,  be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"



Monday, May 23, 2016

PROTECT Your Joy and Purpose!

"Find & Keep/Protect Our JOY & PURPOSE For Our Lives"
(Share & Teach Family and Others!) - PART 4   

We make an effort to PROTECT that which is valuable to us. We may keep things in a safe at our home or even place items in a safety deposit box at the bank. Most people will either lock the doors on their vehicle when they leave something valuable behind OR they will lock it in the trunk.

We PROTECT that which is valuable.

Humans will fight "tooth and nail" to protect their family - especially their children. This is also true in the animal kingdom whether it be birds or bears! Have you ever had an angry "momma bird" attack you because you got too close to one of her "babies" that had gotten out of the nest? I have! And though I've never experienced this first hand, I've seen shows depicting how "momma bears" are relentless when it comes to protecting their baby cubs.

We PROTECT that which is valuable.

Let me ask you a question: How VALUABLE is your joy and purpose to you? I hope that it is of extreme value to you and for you to the point that you will fight "tooth and nail" to protect it! Now, I'm not talking about getting into a fist fight because someone "rains on your parade". However, I am talking about being aware of anyone and anything that would attempt to "rob you" of your joy and/or purpose and taking necessary action to prevent that from happening. 

It may mean removing yourself from a situation (either temporarily or permanently) that attempts to destroy your joy and/or purpose. It may mean exerting your positive influence in a way as to defeat, overcome and "squelch" the attempt to rob you of your joy/purpose. It may require you to immerse yourself in more positive information so as to better equip you to face such situations. It may mean changing friends and detaching yourself from those that constantly put a drain on your joy and/or purpose. 

You've put quite a bit of effort into "discovering" your joy and your purpose for your life and it may not have been easy. Continue to INVEST in the information needed to continually add to the "library of your mind". This is how you continue to prepare yourself for those "down days" and/or those times when others attempt to rob you of your joy and cast doubt on your purpose. 

CHECK IT OUT - If you haven't done so yet, you need to listen to the podcast on today's topic. Just click one of the links at the bottom of this article to do so. There is SO MUCH MORE information and additional thoughts that I share with you there that is not found in this article. 

If you listen by going to iTunes, please take a moment and leave a review - I thank you in advance! Also, be sure to stop by the FYU fan page on Facebook and let me know that you left that review AND to just say "hello" and let me know that you are benefiting from Future You University

As always, THANKS for joining me today and, please, share this with as many as possible and always be sure to keep moving forward, closer to your dream!

And, until next time, whatever you do,  be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"



Thursday, May 19, 2016

Find It and KEEP It!

"Find & Keep/Protect Our JOY & PURPOSE For Our Lives"
(Share & Teach Family and Others!) - PART 3    

 Imagine, if you will, Grandma having a group of her grandkids over for a visit for an afternoon when she discovers that she has lost her wedding ring. It is very special to her and she gathers her grandkids together to ask them to help her find the important ring. She even tells them that, whoever FINDS the ring will be rewarded with a special "something" from Grandma! That's all the grandkids need in order to get busy trying to find Grandma's ring. After a few minutes one of them comes running back into the house and excitedly proclaims, "Grandma! I found your ring!"  With tears in her eyes she hugs her grandchild and thanks them for finding her ring. She then says, "Now, give it to Grandma" to which the child replies, "Well, I don't have it with me...all you said I had to do was FIND it!"

As silly as that little story may seem, we can do the same thing in our lives in many different areas. The main thing I want to ensure is that we don't do that once we find our joy and purpose for our life. 

Yes, it IS important to FIND the joy and purpose for our life but, friend, there's more to it than that! Not only do we need to FIND it but we also need to do all that we can to KEEP it!

Just like Grandma's ring, the way to prevent losing our joy and purpose is to KEEP IT CLOSE at all times. And, the way that we keep it close is to "activate" and "incorporate" it into our DAILY activities.

In other words, we need to make sure that we involve ourselves in whatever it is that brings us joy and that we put it into practice as our purpose.

I guess to clarify it even further, just don't FIND IT and LEAVE it. It is important to keep it and to keep it "fresh" (if you will) by USING it each and every day. Not only will your joy and purpose be "fresh" but it will also GROW stronger due to your use. 

The more you "use" it or put it into practice as a part of your daily activities, the "wider" that circle of influence expands over the passage of time. 

Remember, it's the "ripple effect"!

In the next article we will continue this discussion and focus in on why it is so important to not only KEEP your joy and purpose but to also PROTECT it! Be sure to join me for that one, o.k.?

Again, as a reminder, if you haven't done so yet, you need to listen to the podcast on today's topic. Just click one of the links at the bottom of this article to do so. There is SO MUCH MORE information and additional thoughts that I share with you there that is not found in this article. 

If you listen by going to iTunes, please take a moment and leave a review - I thank you in advance! Also, be sure to stop by the FYU fan page on Facebook and let me know that you left that review AND to just say "hello" and let me know that you are benefiting from Future You University

As always, THANKS for joining me today and, please, share this with as many as possible and always be sure to keep moving forward, closer to your dream!

And, until next time, whatever you do,  be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


Finding Your PURPOSE

"Find & Keep/Protect Our JOY & PURPOSE For Our Lives"
(Share & Teach Family and Others!) - PART 2 

 Back in August of 2010, my wife suffered a heart attack and had to be "shocked" back to life on two different occasions. This was not a normal event - my wife was not overweight and did not suffer from any type of high cholesterol or anything like that. It was literally a 1 in 1 million incident that happened. And, she survived and is doing well. 
However, after returning home from the hospital and still being in a very emotional state (which is normal following an event such as this) she would discuss with me how she felt that God had kept her here for a reason. The struggle she was having was that she could not figure out what the reason - or the PURPOSE - was for her life now. Through our discussions I found that she was searching for some BIG and tremendous "something" that she needed to do.
I shared with her that, perhaps, the "reason" that God kept her here was that I and the rest of her family NEEDED her to be here! I suggested that, perhaps, her "purpose" was to still be there for us because she was so important to "our world". 

You see, friend, I believe that THIS is the key to our search for our "purpose" for our lives. That key is the impact or importance that we have upon "our world". 

Think about it.

Yes, many desire to be known by people all over the world and, quite honestly, they are not truly "known" by those closest to them, including their own children. I'm not saying that this is always the case but we have seen it far too often in our world. And, YES, we NEED people to step out and lead and challenge and encourage us but, perhaps, at the same time, the TIMING needs to be adjusted.

Just a thought.

But, again, here's what I believe is the key for all of us as we contemplate our "purpose" in and for our lives...what is your impact and importance upon YOUR world?

Join me for a moment as we peel back the layers that make up "our world" beginning with those closest to us. Perhaps visualize this like the ripples on the water after tossing a pebble into the pond or creek.

First of all, it begins with your immediate family. This could be your spouse and your kids or, it may be your brothers, sisters and your parents. Sometimes these are some of the most difficult relationships we have simply because we ARE so close to them and, often, because we spend so much time with them. But they are important and you DO have an impact upon them. If you DO have children at home, please do NOT overlook the importance that you have in and for their lives. This gets especially difficult (at times) when they go through their teen years! But it still holds true.

Then continue on to the level that includes your closest friends. Then your other friends that maybe don't fit into that "closest" category but they are still good friends. Then continue on out to your co-workers, neighbors and all of the other acquaintances that you have in your life. That "circle of friends" expands rather quickly, doesn't it?

Now then, with each of these level of relationships, think about how YOUR impact upon them may influence THEIR relationships on each of those different levels in their lives! WOW!

Think for a moment about how the way you treat those around you - good or bad - can be passed on and on and on through these relationships. That, my friend, is quite powerful to think about and, hopefully, as you think about it, it will also challenge you to be a positive influence along the way. 
And, from experience, I can tell you that you may never know how powerful that influence has been in someones life. Or, you may find out years later about the power and level of that influence.

In my opinion, here's the answer to the question, "What is my PURPOSE in and for my life?" To be the best YOU that you can be in and for "your world". 

That, my friend, is more powerful than you may ever know.

Again, as a reminder, if you haven't done so yet, you need to listen to the podcast on today's topic. Just click one of the links at the bottom of this article to do so. There is SO MUCH MORE information and additional thoughts that I share with you there that is not found in this article. 

If you listen by going to iTunes, please take a moment and leave a review - I thank you in advance! Also, be sure to stop by the FYU fan page on Facebook and let me know that you left that review AND to just say "hello" and let me know that you are benefiting from Future You University

As always, THANKS for joining me today and, please, share this with as many as possible and always be sure to keep moving forward, closer to your dream!

And, until next time, whatever you do,  be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


Future You University   FYU on Facebook!   Podcast on iTunes   Podcast RSS feed

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Finding Your JOY!

"Find & Keep/Protect Our JOY & PURPOSE For Our Lives"
(Share & Teach Family and Others!)

This last section of my white board will be covered over the course of this article plus the next two. Honestly, I could spend a lot more time than this on this part of my white board - it's that important and it can be discussed in that amount of detail.
But, to keep this informative without becoming boring, I will keep it to these three articles and podcasts (you can find the links to the podcast at the end of this article). 

Notice that, in the image above, I have the words, "Still Key!" circled. That serves as a reminder to me that, no matter how much time goes by, this phrase is key now and it will be key every single day that I exist. IT IS ALWAYS KEY! 

I'm going to start off by breaking this down to the first part of this phrase - "Find (and keep/protect) your joy". Let's shorten that a bit and just get to the main point: "FIND YOUR JOY".  We'll cover the "keep and protect" part in part 3 of this section, o.k.?

So, how does one FIND their joy? Well, let me suggest to you that you not consider it as if this joy is something that has been "lost". Sure, it's possible that it has been lost, but that's for another discussion at another time. So, for now, let's rephrase this discussion to the need to "discover" and/or "uncover" your joy. 

Although the wording for this is simple, it is not necessarily a simple thing to accomplish. So, here is the simple wording: What is it that brings you JOY? 

Notice that I did not ask, "What makes you happy" but, instead, "What is it that brings you joy?".  Remember, no one - or thing - can "make" you happy or sad. But, what is it that YOU involve yourself with and in that brings about the result of JOY

Let me illustrate it this way...

Some people thoroughly ENJOY doing yard work. Being involved in keeping their grass meticulously mowed and their flowers in perfect condition brings them a feeling of joy and contentment. While, at the same time, others absolutely dread doing this kind of work.  Some people really enjoy a good long jog or walk. They enjoy knowing that they are doing something good for their health and, they may even enjoy the "quiet time" that they get as part of the process. And, again, others may find this more of a form of torture!

Part of the process of "joy" is peace and/or contentment. Again, it's not just "being happy" but it's experiencing a sense of peace and contentment as well. Along with that or, perhaps, the result of this combination,  is that this brings about a sense of fulfillment.

Maybe these thoughts will help you as you think about what it is that brings about JOY in and for your life. Consider these factors and you will find the answer.  

Hey listen, this doesn't mean that this will be something that you will be able to earn a living from BUT, at the same time, it WILL bring about a REASON for truly living. Make sense?  

I left this little hint on the podcast so I want to be sure to leave it with you here: Many people find that this sense of joy, peace, contentment and fulfillment comes when they are doing something to help others. 

Think about that and share your thoughts with me on the Future You University fan page on Facebook - I'd love to hear from you! 

In my next blog article, we'll take a look at finding your PURPOSE in life. Guess what? These two are very closely related so, be sure to come back and join me as we continue this discussion.

Again, as a reminder, if you haven't done so yet, you need to listen to the podcast on today's topic. Just click one of the links at the bottom of this article to do so. There is SO MUCH MORE information and additional thoughts that I share with you there that is not found in this article. 

If you listen by going to iTunes, please take a moment and leave a review - I thank you in advance! Also, be sure to stop by the FYU fan page on Facebook and let me know that you left that review AND to just say "hello" and let me know that you are benefiting from Future You University

As always, THANKS for joining me today and, please, share this with as many as possible and always be sure to keep moving forward, closer to your dream!

And, until next time, whatever you do,  be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


Future You University   FYU on Facebook!   Podcast on iTunes   Podcast RSS feed

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What Is Your RESPONSE?

E + R = O
Event + Response = Outcome

 The "formula" or "equation" that you find listed above, comes from Jack Canfield and the meaning for each of the letters of the formula are listed below the equation. 

Be sure to listen to the podcast (links found below) to hear more information that can be found ONLY on the podcast. I do thank you for reading this blog, HOWEVER, reading the blog and NOT listening to the podcast is like eating just half of your meal. Make sense?

What you'll find here is the basic idea behind Mr. Canfield's formula...and it's TRUE. Follow through and you'll soon understand that, indeed (although not always easy), it IS the truth. 

1. EVENT - You and I cannot control the event - ANY event - that comes our way. The event is simply, "what happens" throughout the course of the day. An event may be good or it may even be considered bad. The event is what it is. I know that wording it this way may be a bit confusing, so I'll try to clarify this a little bit. 
     We ALL encounter "events" in our lives and, in each and every day. We cannot "change" or "direct" an event...we experience the event. An event may be something as simple as experiencing a good meal as part of your day or having a nice conversation with a co-worker or friend. It could also be something less enjoyable like having a flat tire on your way into the office or even getting involved in a minor "fender-bender". And, yes, there are "bigger" events that come our way that have a bit more impact (either positive or negative) on our lives. It could be a great new job or promotion while, on the other hand, it may be the loss of a job due to a layoff or even getting fired.  It could be the birth of a new child or the death of a spouse or other family member. 

2. RESPONSE - If you take a closer look at the image above, you will see that I have written the words, "The one I control!", underneath the equation. You see, as I have already said, an event is an event and we cannot influence that event one way or the other. HOWEVER, it is our RESPONSE to that event that will determine the outcome that follows that event. 
     Hey, listen, I understand that this part of the formula takes quite a bit of discipline at times.  It's not always easy to RESPOND in a positive way to a negative event. Please don't misunderstand, I'm not saying that we should smile and say, "No worries", when a tragedy comes our way. Not at all. 
     But, your response to that tragedy, for example, will determine the ultimate outcome from that tragic event. For example, you may experience the death of a loved one...maybe even your spouse or a child. I've not experienced either but I have worked closely with those that have experienced both and I can't even imagine how difficult that must be. You can either allow devastation and depression to overtake you to the point that you become of no use to anyone - including yourself. If you have children, for example, they need you to help them through the tragedy as well but, if your RESPONSE takes you away from the life that must continue, then the outcome will not be very positive. 
     Yet, as difficult as it may be, you may determine that you must keep on living and, as part of that task, you must continue to be a parent to your children and help them deal with the same tragedy with which you must deal. You may determine to be appreciative for the time that you had with your spouse and, as painful as it may be, you find a way to smile when those memories come across your mind. This is your chosen RESPONSE
     We CHOOSE our response. You may have heard others say, or you may have even said, "They make me so mad!" or "They ruined my day!". Neither of those statements are true. You made a choice and, in those examples, you CHOSE to allow that person to determine your outcome. 
     I've seen examples where a person allowed others to "impact" his response to the point that this person became miserable at the workplace. 
     Originally, he was happy to be there and enjoyed his work. However, over time, he allowed the negativity that you find at most work environments to affect his response in a negative way. He began to "give in" to the negative thoughts and, as a result, his RESPONSE was to be negative. He began to gripe and complain and, eventually, lost his job due to his negative attitude. 
     I was that person. 

3. OUTCOME - In one of my recent blog articles entitled, "Don't Quit & No Excuses!" , I make the statement that, more often than not, when someone quits something (or gets fired, for example) they will pretty much ALWAYS make excuses as to why that happened. They will make an EXCUSE as to why they experienced the OUTCOME that they did. Yet, the truth is, they received the OUTCOME that they did due to their RESPONSE to the events that they encountered on a daily basis. 
     In the example above, I had allowed myself to be influenced by the negativity around me. I MADE A CHOICE about my response to the negativity (the events) around me. And, it cost me in a lot of ways. 
     This was quite a few years before I really began to concentrate on turning things around concerning my mindset and the direction of my life. But, it did stick with me and I did not like how I had changed during my time at that job. Even then, I knew I had failed by allowing others to have the impact on me instead of me using my influence on them. Thankfully, I later began to make better decisions / responses based on what I was putting into "the library of my mind". 

How do you feel about the outcomes that you are experiencing in your life? Are you satisfied with them? Some people are satisfied with SOME of the outcomes, but most people feel that they would prefer better outcomes more often. 

Jim Rohn put it this way (and I paraphrase): "If you don't like where you are or what you are doing - MOVE! MAKE A CHANGE! You are not a tree...YOU have the ability to MOVE!"

It takes discipline and discipline requires patience and determination. How bad do YOU want better outcomes in and for your life? 

Here's the final thought on this: Consider the fact that you read this article as one of the EVENTS for your day.  Now then, what's your RESPONSE? Will you just read it and walk away or will you allow it to sink in and and influence you in a positive way to become more disciplined with your responses to the events that come your way? 

As always, the choice is yours. So, what will YOU do?

If you haven't done so yet, you need to listen to the podcast on today's topic. Just click one of the links at the bottom of this article to do so. There is SO MUCH MORE information and additional thoughts that I share with you there that is not found in this article. 

If you listen by going to iTunes, please take a moment and leave a review - I thank you in advance! Also, be sure to stop by the FYU fan page on Facebook and let me know that you left that review AND to just say "hello" and let me know that you are benefiting from Future You University

As always, THANKS for joining me today and, please, share this with as many as possible and always be sure to keep moving forward, closer to your dream!

And, until next time, whatever you do,  be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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Monday, May 16, 2016


"I am made in the image of God, therefore, I AM AMAZING!"

" I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." is part of a verse found in Psalm 139:14 in the Bible. As a believer, it gives me confidence in knowing that I, indeed, am AMAZING!

Over the past seven years of doing this blog and my podcast (see links at end of this article) I have mentioned the following phrase several times: "God doesn't make junk!"

The phrase listed below the image is what I actually have written on my white board that you see highlighted in that image. It is actually and addition to my "7 Daily Affirmations" that I now say along with those affirmations. That's why - if you enlarge the image - you can see a #8 at the start of that phrase. 

Again, this phrase goes along with so many of the things that I have shared with you over the past couple of weeks. In this world of negativity, it is important for me to ACKNOWLEDGE and ABSORB the FACT that "I am somebody special!" (#1 of my 7 Affirmations). And, as a part of that, I acknowledge the fact that I am special because of my Creator

That doesn't mean that I just sit back and "take it easy" and expect others to wait on me and serve me because "I am somebody special". Not at all!

Actually, it's just the opposite. Understanding that I have been "fearfully and wonderfully" made challenges me and pushes me to BE somebody special  by BEING - through ACTION - somebody special. I have the ability, the privilege and the responsibility to use the talents and ability that have been bestowed upon me by my God to help encourage others and bless the lives of others along the way. 

And, friend, I believe that this is true about you - and FOR you - as well. 

Do you desire to change the world? Here's how you do it - you start by changing YOUR world, the world in which you live. You do that by encouraging others and blessing the lives of others around you one person at a time and one day at a time.

Visualize how that type of action will spread far and wife due to the "ripple effect" that WILL come from such actions. 

For me, I don't know that there is anything more fulfilling than to have a young adult come up to me and share with me how I impacted their life sometime in the past. It's pretty powerful and, at the same time, it's very humbling!

Hey listen, look at yourself in the mirror and look yourself right in the eye and declare this truth and do it on a daily basis: "I am made in the image of God, therefore, I AM AMAZING!" 

As always, if you haven't done so yet, you need to listen to the podcast on today's topic. Just click one of the links at the bottom of this article to do so. There is SO MUCH MORE information and additional thoughts that I share with you there that is not found in this article. 

If you listen by going to iTunes, please take a moment and leave a review - I thank you in advance! Also, be sure to stop by the FYU fan page on Facebook and let me know that you left that review AND to just say "hello" and let me know that you are benefiting from Future You University

As always, THANKS for joining me today and, please, share this with as many as possible and always be sure to keep moving forward, closer to your dream!

And, until next time, whatever you do,  be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


Future You University   FYU on Facebook!   Podcast on iTunes   Podcast RSS feed

Friday, May 13, 2016

It Is Up To ME!

"It is up to ME! No one else can do it for ME! I must make it happen... 
Me + God = Undefeatable!"

 "Friday Shout Out"... I forgot to include this in my original posting but have now edited this article to include my "shout out" to the locations that have been added to the original list I shared last week. Here we go - and THANKS to....Mountain View, AR., Mountain Home, AR., Lake Linden, MI., Las Vegas, NV., Hemet, CA., Pasadena, CA., St. Petersberg, St. Petersberg City, Russian Federation; Southampton, United Kingdom; Hamburg, Germany; Bournemouth, United Kingdom; Barcelona, Catelonia, Spain and Moscow, Moscow City, Russian Federation.

This article will be closely connected to what I discussed in an article from last week about "No Excuses!" and, at the same time, it is also closely related to another from a couple of weeks ago. I'll share that in a bit but, right from the start, can you see how so much of this works together? Can you see how and why it's so important to incorporate as much of this type of material into your mindset as often as possible? 
NO EXCUSES - IT'S UP TO ME! Don't blame this person or that person. Don't blame this situation or that situation. And, at the same time, don't wait on - or expect - someone else to come to your rescue and "make things happen" for you. Notice the part of the phrase that says, "No one else can do it for ME!"

God has equipped you with all that you need to "do for yourself". In other words, you are not in a situation where you have to wait for and expect others to serve you. Yes, I do understand that there may be circumstances physically and/or mentally that make it necessary for a person to depend on others but, friend, that's not who I'm talking to, o.k.? Even at that, there have been handicapped people that have accomplished many great things because of the very attitude, "It is up to ME!"

The Bible declares, in Luke 1:37, that "with God, nothing is impossible."  Does that mean that every endeavor that I attempt will turn out in my favor? Nope. But, again, what it DOES indicate is that God has equipped me with abilities to succeed. 

Bottom line - stop whining, stop making excuses, stop expecting others to do it for you and OPEN YOUR EYES and take advantage of the opportunity that surrounds you every day. Yes, EVERY day!

Oh yeah, that other article that I was talking about that is closely connected to this one? It's the one I did a couple of weeks ago featuring that quote by Jim Rohn, "The major key to your better future is YOU."  Not anyone else...YOU.

So what?

So what are you going to do to put this into practice in your own life? Look yourself in the mirror and say firmly, "IT'S UP TO ME!" and then TAKE ACTION by living your life based on that belief!

Once again, if you haven't done so yet, you need to listen to the podcast on today's topic. Just click one of the links at the bottom of this article to do so. There is SO MUCH MORE information and additional thoughts that I share with you there that is not found in this article. 

If you listen by going to iTunes, please take a moment and leave a review - I thank you in advance! Also, be sure to stop by the FYU fan page on Facebook and let me know that you left that review AND to just say "hello" and let me know that you are benefiting from Future You University

As always, THANKS for joining me today and, please, share this with as many as possible and always be sure to keep moving forward, closer to your dream!

And, until next time, whatever you do,  be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


Future You University   FYU on Facebook!   Podcast on iTunes   Podcast RSS feed