Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The NECESSITY of Multiple Steams of Income

I'm not going to repeat a lot of this in today's blog entry - just go back and read the article from yesterday about this necessity and listen to the podcast for today as I discuss the necessity for this in YOUR life!

Yes, I am exposing you to an incredible opportunity that I am involved in, but please understand this:


But, regardless, even if it's not for you - FIND SOMETHING that is! However, please don't fall into the trap of the idea of millions coming from the Internet by doing nothing. For one, I can promise you that those behind such schemes will be hitting you up for expensive "advertising plans" that they tell you is necessary to be a success with this program. You can also count on many of these companies trying to sell you "bootcamp" sessions to make sure you can really understand what they already told you was so easy to do!

So, again, read the blog entry from yesterday, listen to the podcast for today and then check out the following links (I mistakenly mentioned on the podcast that these were found on my "products" link on my website - http://www.futureyouuniversity.com/ - but they are found on the "links" tab)....

1. Take a few moments, click on this, and watch this powerful video: Justice for All

2. For some very detailed videos and information, please take a moment and provide your information (no spam, I promise) and gain access to this valuable information: http://www.forever.buildlastingsuccess.com/

3. Finally, you can go here to look at more information as well as sign up for either the service/product OR to become an associate. However, please contact me first before doing so, o.k.? Go here: http://www.michaelspillman.com/

I am here to answer any/all questions that you may have about this, so please don't hesitate to ask.

** Note: This opportunity is currently available only for those in the U.S. and Canada at the current time.

PLEASE KNOW that this is not a bunch of hype! If you have followed me long enough you know that I am very concerned with helping YOU improve your life. I am not here to pitch some shady scam that is "faddish". That is simply not my style. So, please, check this out for yourself and know that I would not be involved in this if it were not legitimate.

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