Monday, July 1, 2019

Flat Balls Don't Bounce!

It's been a while, friend! As a matter of fact, I looked back on my podcasts and saw that the last podcast that I published was back in April of 2018!

I took a break and had planned not to start again until I had been certified in the John Maxwell program and, to a large extent, I have completed that task. I did become a member of this prestigious group before the end of 2018 and I continue forward growing and learning. The original plans were for me to attend the Certification event this August (next month) in Florida but I have some scheduling conflicts that will not allow that at that time. So, it's being rescheduled for a different time and I'll keep you updated on that as well. 

But, even at that, I felt it was time to get started (again) with my blog and podcast and, a little later, with my "vlog" or "video podcast". 

Here's one thing that I have noticed over the years since I began this (March 2009): I do much better with my positive mindset when I am doing the blog, podcast and videos. In other words, doing so helps keep the "air" in my positive mindset. 

Have you noticed? A flat ball doesn't bounce! Have you tried? It just doesn't work and, to be honest, it's not much fun to have a ball that you CONTINUALLY have to air up in order to use it for whatever sport. 

I'm guessing that many of you are already "getting the point", right?  If we allow ourselves to "go flat" it is literally impossible to "bounce"!

Have you "gone flat"? Have you allowed the "air" of positivity to slowly seep out of your life? Hey friend, it's easy to let happen! Many times it is hard to really notice a slow leak when it first begins and the same is true in your life and mine. 

So, selfishly, I am beginning this blog and podcast for my own good but, at the same time, I want to do all that I can to provide you with at least ONE outlet to help you maintain your "bounce". 

Do a little check on yourself to see if you have developed a "slow leak". as far as your positive outlook and development. Have you "lost your bounce"? Have you "gone flat"?

I'd love to hear from you on this. Please feel free to share with me what you are doing to help combat this in your own life and, of course, feel free to reach out to me for any input that I may be able to give.

Hey, "I'm BAAAAAACCCCKKK!". Thanks for spending a few minutes with me today. The podcast on the same topic (different thoughts since I don't use a script) is also available, just click the link below. 

So friend, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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