Monday, October 26, 2009

"Give More Than You Have To!"


Many people go through life doing ONLY what is expected of them and nothing more. They do this with their jobs and their relationships and then wonder why they are miserable.

Living this way is not really living! When once chooses to live their life this way, they may survive but they will NEVER thrive!

Now, I'm not sure about you - but I don't want to simply survive - I CHOOSE TO THRIVE!

And, one of the best ways to make this happen is to follow this simple little rule: "Give More Than You Have To!"

As my boys grew up and began to apply for and get jobs during the summer I always told them, "Always do more than is expected of you. Whatever the boss expects you to do - do more." I think it was good advice then and I think it is good - and sound - advice for each and every one of us today.

Do you want a happier relationship with your spouse? GIVE MORE THAN YOU HAVE TO!

Do you want a happier relationship with your friends and family? GIVE MORE THAN YOU HAVE TO!

Do you want a better relationship with your co-workers? GIVE MORE THAN YOU HAVE TO!

Do you want a better chance at a promotion and raise? GIVE MORE THAN YOU HAVE TO!

Get the point?

Don't settle for the idea, "What do I HAVE to do?" That is a negative mindset, in my opinion and one that needs to be removed from our lives!

Do you want to start a revolution in your life and in the lives of those around you? You guessed it - GIVE MORE THAN YOU HAVE TO!

Yes, people will be shocked at first and wonder what you are up to! But, if you continue to practice this little rule and do it consistently - those around you will see that you are, indeed, for real in your quest to change your life and the lives of those around you!

Revolution? ABSOLUTELY!

A revolt against the status quo of "Do I HAVE to?"!

Isn't it time?

If your children simply go through school doing only what is necessary to pass, what will their future be? Here's what I mean...another example that I will use concerning my children. My wife and I always told them, "If a 'C' is the best you can do and you are working your hardest - that is GREAT! However, if you are capable of an 'A' and you are satisfied with a 'C' because it was easier - that is unacceptable!"

But, you know what? We need to set the example ourselves in our own lives.

PUT IT TO THE TEST! Try this for a week and see what happens! Don't cheat and skip a day - do it every single day for a week with EVERYONE that you come into contact with and see what happens.

I bet you'll end up smiling a little more and enjoy each day a whole lot more along the way as you GIVE MORE THAN YOU HAVE TO!

And, in so doing, you will also...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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