Monday, September 29, 2014


- I -
The word for today is "I", the personal pronoun indicating "me" or "myself", for example. (Yeah, it's a single letter and a "word" as well!).
As a quick recap, we began with the letter "B" and the word "beyond". Belief is the ability to look and see BEYOND our current circumstances. We then used the letter "E" for the word "events". Our current circumstances are made up of daily events and, occasionally, bigger events that come our way from time to time. Closely related was the letter "L" for the word "life". These events make up our life! Life DOES happen...good or bad. And it's what we DO with this life that we experience each day that shows what our BELIEF actually means to/for us.
Yes, others can encourage you along the way (like with blogs and podcasts) but it is still ultimately up to YOU to determine your reaction to the events that make up your life. Do YOU have the ability to see BEYOND such events?
"I am responsible for my own actions".
We can't blame anyone else and we should not try to come up with any excuses. It is up to ME for I am the one that determines my path. NOT my circumstances, NOT the events that make up my life.
I will determine where I go from here. No one else.
This is short, but this is likely the most important word to consider in this process. We can talk all we want about our belief but, friend, talk is cheap.
I show what I believe by what I decide to DO.
And, just as a reminder, you DO have the power and ability to live your belief!
Until next time, always be sure to...
"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"

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