Sunday, December 21, 2014

My Christmas Wish For You

Whether you live in the United States and celebrate Christmas or not, I have a special message for you. Even if you live in the United States and don't celebrate Christmas, this message is still for you.
Yes, this is a special time of the year when most people tend to be more thoughtful and helpful. They also seem to think about the blessings of their lives and they find ways to express that thanks. Time is often spent with friends and family with laughter and smiles as they spend this special time together.
Again, no matter where you live or what your situation, I have a special message - my Christmas wish for you - today.
On this day, I wish for you and your family the following:
JOY -May you find true happiness and joy in your life. May you not forget to notice and enjoy the "everyday" people in your life that bring you joy and happiness. Don't forget to notice the "little things" that surround you each and every day and then share that joy with those around you. By doing so, you will see joy and happiness returned to you.
PEACE - May you experience true peace in your life in the coming days and year. As you purposely set out to increase the joy and happiness in your life, may you also discover the peace that will accompany these. May you learn to worry less and enjoy peace more. May you find relationships renewed, strengthened and regained so that you will experience more peace - and less stress - in your life.

LOVE - As with peace, may you experience the joy and peace of love in your life. Too many take for granted those that surround them every day and, in so doing, they miss out on the benefits of love that is right before them every single day. Don't be afraid to forgive and to allow healing to take place in any relationship where this is needed. May you open your life up to allowing yourself to take the risk of love so that you may enjoy the benefits of love.
HOPE - "As long as there is breath, there is hope." May you never, ever lose hope, friend. My wish for you is that you never give up on your dreams and that you always reach for "more" in order to better yourself along the way. Never allow yourself to believe that things cannot improve in your life and for your life. Never lose sight of this as you open your life up to more joy, peace and love. Live hope daily.
This is my Christmas wish for each of you. Think of how our world can change by each one of us making the above list a part of our daily routine. Embrace it, apply it and share it with everyone around you and watch what happens.
It begins here with you and with me.
Until next time...
"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"

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