Saturday, March 17, 2018

CHANGE Happens!

I have already posted the Vlog and podcast that I did for this topic earlier this week and I'm just now getting to this blog article. So, that being said, you need to BE SURE to listen/watch one or the other. WHY? Because I don't have a script that I follow and there will be different/additional thoughts and ideas shared in the podcast and Vlog than there will be with this article. (Check out the links at the end of the article).

I'm not sure how much I've shared via my blog articles about the changes that have taken place in my life since the start of this year (2018). I did not label them as "New Year's Resolutions" but, rather, just a "redefining of my direction" and my future. 

Just a quick review: I have been in the insurance business off and on for several years now and joined up with an agency shortly after the start of the year that I believe will be the best connection that I could have possibly made in this industry. Along with that, I have also made positive plans to be a part of the John Maxwell Team by the end of 2018. 

This insurance business is the "vehicle" that I have chosen as my way of getting from where I started the year to where I want to be at the end of the year. (Go back and read the articles about "What Do YOU Want" and the "Journey" series for more information).

This past Monday morning I found out that the person that was my "manager" and was also the one that hired me into this particular "branch" of this agency had quit. Boom! Immediate and with no warning. WOW!

A few years ago that would have thrown me for a loop and caused me to stress out about what was going to happen next! And, I'm sure it probably has done that to some people in this group. 

Why do I say that? Because CHANGE is something that makes us very uneasy and it is also something that, many times, we do not know how to handle.

Look at that graphic at the top of the article again. If you have lived for very long then you know that what is said there is absolutely true! One of the few constant things in life is CHANGE!

Everybody and every thing changes every single day. (Listen to the podcast or watch the Vlog for a more in depth discussion of that thought).

What do YOU do when CHANGE comes your way? And friend, if you say that it hasn't - it WILL.

This next statement is also a FACT - "With change comes opportunity." And, many times (if you are determined to approach it with a positive attitude) that opportunity can be a BETTER opportunity.

That is the case with the change that has taken place this week with my insurance business. It has now ended up to where the person that is now my "manager" is, to be honest, a better equipped person to do so. He already has infused "new blood" into this whole thing which will provide me with even more opportunities to be successful. 

Again friend, CHANGE WILL COME. Prepare your mindset in a way that will keep you from "freaking out" or crumbling under the pressure that COULD come with that change. Preparation is the key to this situation as it is with most every situation that you face each and every day. 

What will you do? What have you done? I'd love to hear your comments on how you have handled change in your life. You can leave them here but I would prefer that you leave them on the fan page on Facebook .

May you find a better opportunity before you with each change that comes your way.

Until next time...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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