Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Is it REALLY "Fine"??

 "The enemy of 'the best' is not 'the worst'. The enemy of 'the best' is 'just fine'.

If you are apathetic because everything seems 'just fine', you will be unwilling to make the huge changes    needed to get huge results."     Dave Ramsey

It can be a very dangerous lie that we tell ourselves by answering to others that everything is "Just Fine" and even more so when we tell ourselves that same lie.

"Oh, but Mike, it's not a lie...I'm doing alright. I mean, there are a LOT of people doing worse!"

I get it but, does that mean that YOU are "fine"?

What does that even mean when you say, "I'm fine" or "Everything's fine" or "It's fine"?

Think about it. Leave your comments below or leave them at www.FutureYouUniversity.com on the post featuring this article or the podcast or video on the same topic. 

Get honest with yourself. Get real and be real and ask yourself, "What do I REALLY want?" as well as, "What would my life look like for me to REALLY, truly feel and know that, indeed, 'It's fine' ?"

Until next time, when we will discuss this further...

Whatever you do, always be sure to make it an AWESOME day - who else is going to do it for you?



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