Thursday, April 12, 2018

Are You "Laying Eggs"?

Apparently, the phrase, "laid an egg", meaning something bad happened or was done poorly is attributed to it's use when Variety had it in October 1929: "Wall Street Lays An Egg."

But, why was laying an egg used in a derogatory way? 

Other things that I came across suggest that an egg resembles the number zero - 0. We even hear the phrase "goose egg" to describe something that comes back as "0".

So, when one "lays an egg", it is not something that is a positive thing but, instead, something negative.

But, in nature, the laying of an egg will often result in LIFE!

I took the above picture in my backyard this afternoon after seeing a female blue bird come out of the bird house. I had noticed both the male and female spending time around the bird house but did not know that she had already laid eggs until I took this picture. 

Will EVERY egg hatch? I don't know but it is not unusual for some not to produce life. But, even at that, birds laying eggs and the baby birds that will soon be born are all a part of the "new life" that comes with Spring.

So, what does this have to do with you and me? Let me know if you relate to what I'm about to describe. Lately (as in the past month and a half) I feel as if I've been "laying eggs" when it comes to my business. It has not gone as well as I would have liked and I feel that I'm just not getting anywhere. 

Have you been there? Are you in that type of situation now?

But taking this picture today reminded me that "laying an egg" can also be something POSITIVE that can bring NEW LIFE into the world. Maybe - just maybe - I've gone through the eggs that aren't going to hatch and now - NOW - something good is about to happen with the eggs that remain!

Does that make sense to you? Does that speak to you or to someone that you know that may need to hear this message?

Oh, and by the way, even those eggs that don't hatch (I'm thinking chicken eggs now) still produce something positive in that they supply nourishment as food! So, even allow your disappointments - those eggs that didn't hatch - to serve as a source of nourishment for you in that you know you are learning something along the way and each "bad egg" brings you closer to the ones that will produce something positive in and for your life!

Be sure to click on one of the links below to listen to the podcast for additional thoughts on this topic and, whatever you do, until next time...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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