Wednesday, October 23, 2019

ACTION: The Only Way to Break Out of A Rut

So, I'm sure you've heard that definition of "insanity" as continuing to do the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, right?

The above graphic is just another take on it that I put together several years ago but the fact remains to be the same and to be TRUE: If you keep doing the same thing over and over again you will continue to get the same results AND you will end up in a rut! 

Oh, I can hear some of you now. "But if you are having success doing the same thing over and over again - what's wrong with that?" Nothing, necessarily. But I still stand by what I said in the above paragraph. Even those (individuals and companies) that have been successful that continued to keep doing the same thing year after year after year ended up in a rut and, as a matter of fact, many of them have closed their doors to business.

ACTION is the ONLY way to break out of a rut. And, here's a fact to go along with that statement: The deeper the rut the more action will be needed in order to break out of or get out of that rut!

Are you ready for another one? A rut does not necessarily indicate action. Yes, it does indicate some action by someone at some point in time. And, that action may have even been done by YOU but, guess what? You may have stopped any and all action and decided just to lay down, sit down and just stay down in that rut!


Are you done trying to justify that rut that you find yourself in? Are you ready to be HONEST with yourself about this? (If not, go back and read the first introductory article for this series. You can read it here

One of the first - and often times BIGGEST - steps that you have to take when trying to break free from living in a rut is to first ADMIT THAT YOU ARE IN A RUT! Friend, that's not easy!

Remember in the last podcast and blog article how we discussed "Purposeful Action"? We also referred to that as your "Why" as far the reason behind you taking action. Once you realize and admit that you are, indeed, in a rut then hopefully your purpose - your WHY - will first and foremost be your desire to break out of and get out (and stay out) of that rut.  

Now, although I said that admitting that you are in a rut is often one of the BIGGEST steps in breaking out of a rut, your work has only begun. Oh, understand that, if you don't first make that decision, then nothing changes and you stay down in that rut. BUT, once you have decided that it's time to get OUT of that rut then the real work has begun.

Again, the deeper the rut, the more energy or ACTION will be required to get out.

How big is your WHY? How big is your PURPOSE?

One last note...if you actually look around, you will often find others that are ready, willing and able to HELP YOU in this effort.

Don't ever forget that.


In tomorrow's article we will discuss:  "ACTION: The Only Way to Stay 'FRESH' "

Do what you need to do TODAY while you the opportunity and, as you do so, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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