Thursday, October 24, 2019

ACTION: The Only Way to Stay "FRESH"

 Stagnant - 1. not flowing or running, as water, air, etc. 2. stale or foul from standing, as a pool of water. 3. characterized by lack of development, advancement, or progressive movement: a stagnant economy.  4. inactive, sluggish, or dull.

And, as a matter of interest, here is a list of words that describe the opposite of being stagnant: active, alert, busy, energetic, lively, mobile, moving, spirited, working.

Allowing any area of your life to become stagnant is very similar to allowing yourself to get into a rut, as we discussed in the last article.

Honestly, no matter what your situation, you MUST do whatever it takes to prevent stagnation in your life! Remember, "No activity equals DEATH!" 

Take a look at that body of water in the above picture. My guess would be that, if there were any fish in that body of water before, many - if not all - have already died due to the lack of fresh water that would continue the life in that water. 

Many would be shocked if they were able to see a visual image like this picture as it described their own life and the lack of activity found therein. 

Just as a charging dog could cause one to be paralyzed by fear and just as the "deepness" of one's rut can do the same, so it is with taking the needed action to prevent themselves from becoming stagnant! 

However, if you desire to live a productive life and if you wish to improve your life in all areas then it is an absolute necessity that you do whatever it takes to bring in "new life" INTO your life in order for it to remain "fresh" and "alive".  

It will not happen over night and it will not happen by itself. It will require YOU to make a decision to take action and it will also require you to actually put that decision into gear by TAKING action. 

Here's the kicker...some people actually are AFRAID of their life improving. What??? I know, as odd as it may seem, there are actually people out there that are fearful of their lives improving for the better.

WHY? Well, as best as I can figure out, it is because it is sometimes easier to live a life of stagnation and  a life in a rut so that one can use that as an excuse for their circumstances. For some, it is easier to blame their lack of action and activity in their life on the very things that are a result of the lacking activity.

Strange, isn't it? But, let's get real here - what about you? Again, as has been discussed in every article in this series, YOU MUST BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF before any advancement can be made.

Read and/or listen to those that can help stimulate your mind and your ideas. Spend time around those people that do the same and spend less time - if any at all - around those that do the opposite.

You MUST begin to bring in some "freshness" to your life if it has become stagnant. You must bring in some "fresh air" to help clear out and clean out the stagnant air that you have become used to.

So, again (from previous articles in this series) what is your WHY or your PURPOSE? What is it that you wish to accomplish?

Bottom line, get moving and take ACTION because it is the ONLY way to stay "fresh".

Tomorrow, we'll discuss the topic: "ACTION: It Becomes Easier With Momentum!"

Until then, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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