Tuesday, October 22, 2019

ACTION: The Only Way to Move Forward


If you haven't read the introductory article to this series on "The Importance of ACTION" be sure to do so first. You can read it here

As I begin with this first part of this series I want to be sure to emphasize that I am talking about PURPOSEFUL action or, action with purpose.

What do I mean? Well, have you ever seen a dog chase it's own tail? There is a lot of action going on in the process but very little is accomplished!

Look at the images above and you will see three different ways that action is taking place with, perhaps three different purposes.

The first image shows a guy running from a dog which may indicate that his ACTION is motivated by FEAR! Think about it: It IS possible to be "paralyzed" by fear and not even be able to move BUT if this guy wants to avoid being bitten and/or attacked, HE WILL TAKE ACTION with the PURPOSE of avoiding being bitten by the dog.

If you look at the image in the middle you will see a couple of people that are jogging or running. Though it appears that they are simply jogging we have no idea what their PURPOSE in doing so really is, do we? They actually could be running from a dog as well! They could be running as a form of exercise and they may actually enjoy doing so which could mean that, for them, it is also for fun. And, finally, they could also be jogging or running as a means of "transportation" with the PURPOSE of getting from one place to another.

And finally, in the picture on the right, we see an older gentleman riding a bike. Riding a bike definitely requires ACTION in order for you to get that bike moving and it also requires ACTION (at some point) in order to keep it moving. Sure, you can "coast" for a bit and not peddle but, sooner or later, if you wish to keep moving, you must peddle that bike some more. Again, we have no idea what the PURPOSE of this bike ride is by just looking at the picture. Fear? I've been chased by a dog while on a bike before, have you? Exercise? Fun? Transportation from one place to another? Though we don't know the actual PURPOSE of the bike ride we DO know that it requires PURPOSEFUL ACTION - or a DECISION - in order to get that bike moving.

So, as we discuss the IMPORTANCE or even NECESSITY of ACTION in our own lives, it is important for us to be aware of the PURPOSE of what we are doing...the WHY of our activity.

I shared with you on my last podcast that I decided (made an "active decision") that I needed to put some ACTION into my life in several areas. I decided that I need to take some PURPOSEFUL ACTION in the areas of my physical health, my spiritual health as well as the health of my business. I put myself on a strict diet and began to work out on my home gym again. I began on a schedule to spend some time reading my Bible every day and I also wrote down some specific, DAILY goals that I needed to be doing with and for my business. (Notice from the last article how important it is to do this activity on a DAILY basis).

As is always the case, your "WHY" (your PURPOSE) will greatly determine your success in maintaining your ACTIVITY.

So, as I talked about in the last article, you must first BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF as far as the ACTIVITY or ACTION that needs to take place in your own life and in what area(s). You must also decide the "WHY" or the PURPOSE of your action and then dedicate yourself to TAKING ACTION DAILY.  

That's your homework assignment for today. Yes, even that requires that you take action and not just think about it or talk about the need to do so. You MUST take action and DO IT!

In my next article we will discuss the fact that ACTION is the only way to get out of a rut when your activity has ceased or you have lost sight of your purpose.  

Be sure to join me then but, until then, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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