Monday, October 21, 2019

Introduction to "The Importance of Action"

Over the past few days I decided that it was time to TAKE ACTION. 

Oh, I know that there are many that would suggest that I (or them or anyone) should just wait until the start of the new year to take steps to make changes or take action, right? 

But, why SHOULD I and why WOULD I wait when I can start taking action today? 

So, let me share with you what I have decided to do and, as part of this sharing, hopefully encourage you to take action in your own life.

Back at the start of July I made a big "push" to promote that "Future You University" was back! Well, I did do a few blogs and podcasts but, by no means, did I do so in a way that would qualify as saying that I was "back". 

Yeah, as usual, "stuff" kept getting in the way or, to be more honest, I ALLOWED that to be an excuse as to why I wasn't following through with what I said I was going to do. 

IMPORTANT TIP #1: You MUST be honest with yourself about where you are in your own life! 

I have come to realize the absolute NECESSITY of taking ACTION in my life and to get past the excuses that I have allowed to rule - yes, rule - parts of my life. You? 

So, part of my decision to take action - DAILY action - is to get back to doing a DAILY blog article along with a daily podcast and video (Vlog) as well.  

IMPORTANT TIP #2: Make sure you start out with a DAILY activity and stick to it!  

If you try to make a major change without dedicating yourself to DAILY action toward that purpose your chances of failure increase dramatically.  Yes, you can always adjust things later on if necessary but do not be fooled into thinking that you can/should start off doing this any other way except for doing it DAILY!

I also made some other decisions about taking daily action in other areas of my life: physically, spiritually and concerning my business. Why wait to do what everyone does and make those so-called "New Year's Resolutions"?

IMPORTANT TIP #3: Doing what everyone else does will take you to the same place that everyone else ends up...that same place that they started.   

I've already hit a challenge in this process. I'm having some major issues getting my podcast up and publicized. This podcast company has been having some major issues over the past several months but this is the first time that it has directly impacted me. So, to be honest, it may not get published as planned but I will STILL continue to record new ones each and every day. 

IMPORTANT TIP #4: Anytime you plan to make major changes in your life, get ready - THERE WILL BE ROADBLOCKS trying to block your way to successfully completing what you have set out to do.   

Now, interestingly, as is usually the case, this blog article is COMPLETELY different than the podcast and Vlog that I recorded earlier today. So, hopefully that podcast will be available to you soon. If not, check out the video on my YouTube channel (link below) since I recorded them at the same time.

I plan for this to be a series for this week: "The Necessity of ACTION!". Be sure to join me DAILY.  

Until next time, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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