Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Over the years, as I have checked into several different "home based business opportunities", I have always asked ONE question right from the start - "What are YOUR results?" Oh, listen, I know for a fact that anyone that is "recruiting" someone new to their business HATES that question and it's a question that THEY bring up to the person that recruited them: "What do I say if I don't have any results yet?"

Now, please understand that this is MY view on this and you sure don't have to agree with me. I know, for a fact, that those involved in "recruiting" don't agree with me on this and, again, that's o.k. I know that, when a "new recruit" is asked that question and they don't yet have any results, they are told to talk about someone else's results. I get it. I really do. But, for me, I want to know what results THAT person has had and - again, just my take on this - if they don't have any results to share then they shouldn't be trying to recruit anyone else. I hear you but, let me say again, that's MY view about it, o.k.?

RESULTS INSPIRE. But, in my opinion, they need to be PERSONAL results for it to really matter.

 I've shared my story with you on several occasions about losing 100 pounds over the course of thirteen months way back in 2003. Guess what? I didn't have to talk about someone else's results when mine were right there in front of them to see for themselves. On the other hand, if I had been trying to get people to buy into this weight loss plan and I, personally, had not had ANY results to share then, who would have thought it was a good program?


Hey friend, it's the same way with the idea of PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT. Your journey to develop a "better" version of yourself can, indeed, inspire others. If those that have consistent contact with you see a change in your attitude and mindset then, guess what? They would be more open to listening to you if you encourage them to try to develop a positive mindset in and for their own lives.

Yet, at the same time, you need to understand this fact: THEY ARE WATCHING YOU! And, if they hear you "promoting" personal development and a positive mindset and they have seen NO change in your attitude and mindset then, guess what? They will treat you like the hypocrite that you are. That doesn't mean that you will ALWAYS be "on" and never have a bad day or moment but it DOES mean that, overall, there has been a change in your life. 

What are YOUR results? Don't forget, RESULTS INSPIRE.

Hey, if you would, be sure to also listen to the podcast and watch the video that goes along with today's topic. The links can be found below.

And, until next time, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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