Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thankful Thursday - "Start NOW!"

I have really enjoyed sharing additional information in my recent podcasts on the 5 points found in the FREE REPORT that anyone can receive on my website

The last point that I cover in today's podcast is, "Start NOW!".

This really goes hand in hand with all of the other points and sums it up quite nicely --- stop waiting, stop wishing, stop making excuses about why you can't (love yourself, remember?) and know that you CAN and start now!

Whatever it is - start making the progress right now - today! What are you waiting for?

Improvements do not happen overnight! I just got off of the phone with a gentleman interviewing me for a program that will be made public soon (I'll let you know where to find it once that has happened) and we talked about this very thing in some of our discussion.

Too many times we look at someone that has excelled in their particular field - and we wish we could do the same or we want to do the same. The problem is, we often expect to reach their level of success right away. Here's the question that we must ask ourselves, "Are we willing to do what they did to get where they are?" And, honestly, most of us are not.

So, if we ARE serious about improving our lives (in whatever way you may think of) then it is important for us to realize that we MUST work on it every day and make progress each and every day.

This applies whether it be preparing yourself for a job promotion or even preparing yourself for a particular job, preparing to take your G.E.D. or preparing to go back to school to get another or a different degree OR stepping out in a whole new career. THIS APPLIES TO EVERY AREA!

So, stop waiting and START NOW - who else is going to do it for you? The answer - no one but YOU!

I'd love to hear any feedback/response that you may have on any or all of these 5 points that I have covered - you can leave them here or send me an email at

And, as always, remember to...

"Make it an AWESOME Day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"

Mike Spillman

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