Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Dreamers or Doers?

Several years ago, when I was still in ministry, I began a program that I called, "Dreamers and Doers", with the idea of our group of people taking our TALK and putting it into ACTION

I've always liked that title that I came up with and I am reminded of it from time to time and it still challenges me even today. And, I believe that it fits right in with our theme for this current series.

When we talk about the need to "stop hitting the 'snooze button' for our lives" and we discuss the need to CONTINUALLY grow, then it becomes a natural discussion of the need to put our passion and our "why" into ACTION

Remember? Purposeful, DAILY action!

Let's make sure we understand this first: We MUST have dreams! We all NEED something to hope for, to strive for in our lives. WE NEED DREAMS!

Also, as we have already talked about, these dreams must be YOURS and no one else's. No one can decide your dream for you and you can't live or follow a dream that belongs to someone else. 

QUESTION: Have you taken steps to put that DREAM into ACTION? Have you made the move of turning that DREAM into REALITY? Let's be careful that we don't continually talk about what we PLAN to do or WHEN we plan to do or WHAT HAS TO TAKE PLACE in order for us to do so.

Listen friend, it's EASY to dream! It's EASY to talk about those dreams and to get excited about those dreams.The real work begins when you start taking steps, when you start taking ACTION!

So, what will you do?

Are you going to keep "talking" or are you going to start "walking"?

In our next article, we will discuss the need to "Get Off of the Fence" and get moving.

Until then, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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