Thursday, November 14, 2019

Mike's Quotes #5

Sometimes, parts of life really stinks! That's when it's necessary to work hard to find the parts of your life that "smell better" than the stink!

This would be one of those quotes that I did just to have a little fun while, at the same time, still sharing a very important point. And, though I don't know exactly when I made that quote or what was going on in my life at the time, chances are I was experiencing some difficulties in my life that would cause me to think that, indeed, sometimes "parts of life really stinks!".

Hey, let's be honest here, I don't believe that there is one individual on this planet today (or even anytime in the past) that, at some time, hasn't experienced those days, weeks, months or maybe even longer, that just seemed to "stink".  THAT IS A PART OF LIFE AND LIVING!

But, you know what? Even when you experience one of those periods of time in your life, it is important to take a good, close look at the things in your life that "smell better than the stink".

It is true that, when we struggle in some areas of our life, ALL of our life seems to be a mess. But friend, that simply is NOT the case! 

Depression has a way of making EVERYTHING look as if it could not get any worse.  Depression has a way of putting everything on the same level in your life which, during depression, is all negative.

That is why is so important to continually feed your mind (and your soul) good, powerful and positive information, DAILY.  It's also important, if at all possible, to find someone of the same mindset (positive, NOT negative) that will help you as you help them keep these things in mind.

NOTICE: I am not saying that, by doing so, you will never struggle with bad times and even depression. I'm simply saying that it will definitely help you and, yes, possibly even prevent you from getting into a depression.

You've heard the phrase, "You have to stop and smell the roses", right? That's what I'm talking about in today's quote. You must continually (daily) FOCUS on what is good and what is right in your life. You must acknowledge on a DAILY basis what it is in your life for which you have to be thankful.

Again, depression seems to block your ability to do so. Whatever you do, do NOT go through depression alone. Yes, not many people will understand or even believe that you can't find anything good for which to be thankful. But, there will be someone out there that may have even gone through it themselves and understand.

I didn't mean for this to turn into a discussion about depression but I understand that it is REAL and I want to address that part of the "life stinks" scenario.

By no means is this an exhaustive list but, at the same time, here are a few things to pay attention to and to actually do when "parts of life begin to stink":
     1. Begin the habit NOW, before you find yourself in that situation, of putting positive information into your mind and soul on a DAILY basis. If you are already "down", do it anyway!
     2. Do NOT spend time around people that will help you focus on what is WRONG in your life. Yes, it is true that "misery loves company" but friend, you MUST break away from that if you wish to survive.
     3. Just like #1, begin the habit NOW of giving thanks DAILY for the things in your life that are good. (Hey, if you have a roof over your head, you are far better off than many in our world and even in our own country).
    4. Begin NOW noticing the things that tend to put you down that negative path. Pay attention to yourself and how you "feel" and how you "react" to things in your life. Either make a mental note or actually make an actual note of these things and then TAKE ACTION based on what you have discovered. For me, I know that there are a few things that are absolute "MUST HAVES" in my daily activity in order for me to remain positive.
          a. I MUST be involved in daily, positive activity. That's one reason I have gotten back on track of doing a daily blog, podcast and video.
          b. I MUST have purposeful, daily activity in my life that often does NOT include the items listed in point "a".
          c. I MUST physically "get out of the house". This is a big one for me. Since I do a lot of work from home it is easy for me to find myself having gone through two or three days with out ever getting out of the house. BIG MISTAKE for me! Even if it's just a walk around the block or even sitting in the back yard with my dog, I MUST make sure that I get out of the house and it's even better if I make sure that I do this on a daily basis.

What does/will YOUR list look like? Friend, it is of major importance that you make this list for yourself so, do NOT put this off and plan to do it later!!

Bottom line: Yes, there will be times in your life when life "stinks". But, even if it REALLY stinks you STILL have the ability - and choice - to find and be thankful for all of the good things that are in your life.

Feel free to connect with me through my Facebook page -  - if you would like to discuss this further. If not me, find SOMEONE.

Thanks for joining me again today and, until next time, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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