Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mike's Quotes #9: Rise Above and Move On

“Some people like to talk behind your back. Some people like to start rumors. Some people are up to no good. So what? Let them and you move on and LIVE your life! You don't live for them, do you?” - Mike Spillman (12.10) 

Yes, you can absolutely "control" the "atmosphere" of YOUR world. You definitely can choose who it is that you wish to spend time with on a regular basis and you can also choose what information you put into your mind that will determine your mindset.

HOWEVER, no matter how much of this type of activity we do, there are still things that we cannot control. There will STILL be information that we will see and hear that will creep into our mindset even if we did not purposely determine to access that information. 

As a matter of fact, - and it IS fact - whenever you make a decision to try to improve your positive mindset and you take action like I described in the first paragraph, people will do the things described in the quote for today. Sad, but true!

Why? For those that may be reading some of my material for the first time, I will explain it once again. Those around you don't want to be "left behind" and they don't want to see you"break away" from the "same old way" of which they prefer to be a part. Again, sad but true.

You will also notice these things because you are now focused on what is POSITIVE and you are now aware of what YOU can do to "weed out" the negativity that surrounds you every day. 

Yes, even those that you have called "friends", those that you NEVER thought would talk about you in a negative way may very well begin to do so. 

But you know what? YOU DON'T LIVE FOR THEM and the sooner you realize, understand, and accept that truth the more likely it will be that you will be able to move on toward your better and positive future!

Do NOT dwell on the, "Why are they doing that?" thoughts that will want to invade and take over your mind. Your mind cannot occupy negative and positive thoughts at the same time. You will find that, whichever you focus on the most will actually dominate your thought process.

YOU control that. No matter what goes on around you and no matter what "they" say or do, YOU are the one that controls the impact of such actions on your mind and your life.

My advice? RISE ABOVE and MOVE ON. 

Yes, this definitely fits the "easier said than done" category but, friend, you CAN - and MUST - do this. Move on and don't look back.

And, as you do so, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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