Monday, November 18, 2019

Mike's Quotes #6: DECISIONS and CHOICES

"Every Decision is a CHOICE. Every CHOICE Makes a STATEMENT." (11/02/19) 

As you can tell by the date, this is one of my most recent quotes that I wanted to share with you. Believe it or not, as is often the case, I had not planned anything out nor had I sat down to brainstorm with the purpose of "coming up" with some new quotes.

Nope! Many times my quotes will come from an article I've written or just from a thought that comes to mind. Sometimes that thought is spurred by something that I see or hear like a sign or something that someone else says that makes me think. And then, like the quote above, they just come to me as a response during an conversational exchange with someone.

After I said this to the person that I was talking with I thought, "Wow! That was pretty good! I need to be sure to write that one down!" And, I did. 

Think about what is stated in this quote and, I do believe that you will agree with the statement and also be challenged by this quote. 

Too often we don't consider the impact of our choices and our decisions. As a matter of fact, we seldom put much thought into the fact that EVERY DECISION IS A CHOICE.  

Yes! Every single decision is a choice. 

Now, I'm not going to try to give an example of every single thing that I can think of to illustrate this fact, but I will try to share a few. YOU think further on this and apply this thought in your own life and see how many decisions that you make (or have made) that, indeed, indicated a choice that was to be made.  

Let's start at the beginning of your day and talk about setting your alarm. You have a decision to make - what time do you want to set your alarm - and, you have a choice as to what time you want that alarm to be set. As a matter of fact, you first have a decision (and choice) as to whether you even want to set that alarm in the first place!

Do you want to set the alarm at a time that will allow you plenty of time to get ready for work (or whatever it is you have planned for your day) and even sit and enjoy a cup of coffee without feeling rushed OR do you want to set that alarm in a way that will allow you "just enough" time to get things done so that you can hop in your car and rush off to work? 

It's a decision and that decision involves a choice and, friend, that choice - and EVERY choice - makes a STATEMENT

Think about this: Let's say that you have made a commitment (decision) to get up earlier and work out before you head out to the office. You have decided (another decision) that you need to get up 45 minutes earlier than usual in order to get this done and still get to work on time. 

Got it?

What you actually DECIDE to do indicates that you have made a CHOICE about how important that decision to work out really is to you, wouldn't you agree? WHAT YOU  HAVE CHOSEN TO DO makes a STATEMENT about your true commitment to working out. 

Got it? 

My goodness, as we approach the end of 2019 and as people get ready to dust off their continuously recycled "New Year's Resolutions" we will see a LOT of this taking place. 

WORDS are not decisions and they don't even truly indicate that a choice has been made. ACTION demonstrates a decision and a choice that has been made. What you actually DO makes a STATEMENT about what you truly believe and how important something truly is to you. 

Go back and look at last week's topic of "Price Vs. Value" and see if this does not apply...IT DOES

You see, if you say that you love your spouse or your children and that they are very important to you then, you show by your decisions and choices what you truly believe. Your ACTIONS will make a STATEMENT about what really is true. You can say whatever you want and try to justify it any way you want but, friend, the truth is the truth and EVERY DECISION involves a CHOICE and EVERY CHOICE makes a STATEMENT.

There is no way around that truth. 

Hey, be sure to listen to the podcast and to also watch the video on this topic. I know that I will be recording those separately, which means that there will be three "versions" of today's topic and I encourage you to access all three so that you can get the full scope of my thoughts on today's topic.

Thanks again for taking time to join me today and, until next time, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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