Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Mike's Quotes #18: More Than Talk?

 "A lot of people like the idea of 'doing something' but not many people actually like DOING something!" - Mike Spillman (8.24.11)

You know the type. The person that always is talking about what they are going to do...ALWAYS.

They may be talking about the fact that they just aren't going to take "it" anymore and that they are going to tell the boss off and quit! How long has THAT conversation been going on? They may be talking about some great trip that they are going to take or some big financial move that they are going to make fill in the blank. 

The sad thing is that, sometimes, "that person" is you and me. OUCH!

We are really getting ready to see this played out once again - like clockwork - as we get ready to enter another new year. You know what I'm talking about, right? Those things called, "New Year's Resolutions". 

As the quote says, "A lot of people like the idea of 'doing something' but not many people actually like DOING something!" 

The easiest thing in the world to do is to TALK about DOING something. I won't quote it but, what's that saying about "good intentions"? Talking and planning is a whole different thing than planning and doing. There's truth in that sentence, friend!

It is also often referred to as "paralysis of analysis". This simply describes the temptation to wait and to try to get everything "just right" or "perfect" before taking action. Many people spend a lot of time getting all of their supplies gathered up and getting their desk all set up and organized and, yet, fail to ever actually get started DOING something.  

What will it take to finally step out of the "talk zone" and get into the "doing zone"? Well, friend, that honestly depends on the strength of your purpose or your "why".  We've talked about that detail many times in the past and it is still THE deciding factor in this area. Remember, talk is cheap! 

Don't wait until January 1st. Start putting your words into action TODAY and, as you do so, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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