Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Mike's Quotes #22: Mind Control

“Mind control...how will YOU control what goes into YOUR mind today?” 
- Mike Spillman (4.7.11)

When I talk about "mind control", DON'T FREAK OUT! 

When discussed as we will in this article, it is not weird or something to be afraid of. Friend, it is an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY if you wish to remain positive and if you wish to prevent yourself from being overrun by the negativity that surrounds us all every day!

Simply put, YOU can control what you allow into your mind - your mindset - today and EVERY day. That's all "mind control" is...controlling your mind.

What makes that phrase "weird" or something to be "afraid of" is when you allow someone else to control your mind!

DO NOT MISS THIS IMPORTANT PART: The battle for control of your mind is just that...a BATTLE!

That's why I do what I do. That's why I have the "tag line" at the start of every podcast, "You're greatest education takes place on the campus of your mind." 

It is SO important that you make an effort to infuse your mind with POSITIVE information. There used to be an old computer programmer's acrostic that was, "G.I.G.O" which stood for, "Garbage In, Garbage Out".  I recently heard a similar phrase, "Junk In, Junk Out". The idea was/is that, the program is only as good as the information that is put into the program. If you put in "garbage" then, guess what? "Garbage" is what you will get out of the program.  How much more important to make sure that we "program" our minds with something GOOD and not "garbage"?

Sure, there will be some situations that we will encounter during the course of a day or week that we have no control over BUT we DO have control as far as the "impact" of that negative activity or thought. 

When I consider the importance of making sure I take my daily dose of "positivity vitamins", I feel that it begins to build up a "resistance" or "immunity" to such things. And, friend, it actually does!

It's up to you. You can take the "lazy" approach and make no attempt to protect your mindset. You can just let "whatever" take control of your mind and your mindset OR you can be proactive and do something EVERY SINGLE DAY to make sure your mind is being fed a steady "diet" of positive information.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this "diet" in this part of your life.  I'll continue to do all that I can to be of help in this area and I encourage you to do your part as well. 

And, as you do so, always be sure to... 

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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