Thursday, December 19, 2019

Mike's Quotes #29: "Lighten Your Load"

“When you rid your...automobile, airplane, boat, covered wagon or even YOURSELF...of excess weight you can go faster, fly higher, have your fuel or even your horse last longer!” 
- Mike Spillman (04.08.14)

Yeah, there's a little humor thrown into that quote that, perhaps, comes from my love of watching old Westerns. I'm doubting that any of you are driving covered wagons but the point is still the same, right?

This concept is true even if you are talking about physically losing weight! My goodness, you can surely go faster, jump (probably not fly) higher and have more energy to where it lasts longer.  This also applies to the "weight" of being buried with debt. Financially, you are "weighed down" by this trap and you cannot do much of anything! However, when you free yourself from that debt and make that load lighter, your future becomes much brighter! (Please check out the information in the image below about ridding your life of debt in a fraction of the time. You can also get this information by clicking on the link below that is labeled, Live Debt Free!)

But, what I'd like to focus on for the purpose of this article is getting rid of the excess "weight" that comes with negativity. If you've not done so, go back and read, listen and watch the blog, podcast and videos from earlier this week. They all tie in together and will give you a good "foundation" for this particular article.

When you focus all of your attention on what is wrong with everything in your life you will, indeed, be living a life "weighed down" with negativity. I've discussed this idea earlier this week about how you will attract into your life what it is that you focus and "send out" in and through your life. It's a vicious cycle that you actually CAN get free from and change in a positive way!

Will it be easy? Probably not if this has been a main ingredient of the life you have been living. It is HARD to make such a change but it IS possible. However, it will not happen by chance or by itself. 

It's a lot like losing weight and getting in shape! If you decide to make a change in this area it will take some MAJOR changes in your lifestyle and, friend, it's definitely NOT easy. You will have to make changes in what you eat, when you eat and even how you THINK about eating. The same will be true with exercise. You will have to make a complete change in this area as well. 

So it is with changing your mindset and your negative lifestyle. Again, take the time to go back and read the articles and listen to the podcasts and videos from this week. You CAN make the necessary changes and I'll do all that I can to help. Bottom line: You have to TRULY want to make the change and, friend, YOU have to do YOUR part and you must do so with DAILY, PURPOSEFUL ACTIVITY.

Would you do me a favor? Would you mind clicking on the link below for "FYU on Facebook!" ? It would mean a lot to me to hear from you and to know that you are following along. Leave a comment about any thoughts you may have about today's topic or any other topic that has been discussed here. Let me know where you are from and how long you have been following Future You University. Again, it would mean a lot to me and I thank you in advance for doing so.

Until next time, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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