Monday, December 9, 2019

Mike's Quotes #21: Just A Little Closer

"Move a little closer to your goals today....even a little move is a move in the right direction!" - Mike Spillman (4.4.11)

It is easy to become discouraged if we feel that we are not progressing as quickly as we would like in regards to reaching goals that we have set for ourselves.
This is one reason we must be very careful with the whole "New Year's Resolution" idea that is about to take center stage once again as we near the middle of the last month of the year. Too many people set goals that are unrealistic and that, often, they never plan to really attempt to achieve, but it sure SOUNDS impressive!

Don't be that person.

Hey listen, I began my blogs and Future You University back on March 2, 2009 and now, 10.9 years later, there are still some goals that I set even way back then that I have yet to achieve. I have achieved some of the goals that I have set along the way but, at the same time, there are some that I have still yet to check off of my list.

Discouraging? At times, for sure but, at the same time, I have to remember the quote for today's topic. Even though I have had to make many detours and have faced several delays and roadblocks along the way (many of my own doing), I have made significant improvement and movement along the way during that time period.

Just like most things, as I have been going through this time period it has not always seemed as if I was making progress.

That's the way it is with time, isn't it? 

The key point is this: Make sure that you move closer to your goal TODAY and EVERY day, regardless of how "small" you may feel that the move may be. Remember, "...even a little move is a move in the right direction."

 I'd love to hear from you about YOUR journey and YOUR struggles and victories along the way. The best way to do so is to leave a comment on my Facebook page (link below).

One of the things you can do to keep moving in the right direction is to be sure to join me as I continue to share more quotes with you this week. As I look ahead, they all seem to deal with ways to HELP you in this process. Don't miss out! 

Keep moving and, as you do so, always be sure to... 

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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