Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Mike's Quotes #28: Don't Let SIMPLE Fool You!

“Sometimes the PROFOUND can be FOUND in the simple. Don't miss that!” - Mike Spillman

I hope you are not one of "those people" that will dismiss ideas, thoughts, suggestions, lessons and/or messages just because it may seem to be "too simple". 

What a huge mistake many make!

Do NOT miss this important truth: "Sometimes the PROFOUND can be FOUND in the simple." 

If you haven't been following along this week, please go back and start with the first article for this week entitled, "Direct Your Thoughts" by clicking HERE. It is important to do so because these previous articles will "set the table" for my point about the NECESSITY of "watching for" those things that will be coming into your life through this process.

Again, you MUST BE READY for those "things" that are "accepting your invitation" and have been "attracted" by your thoughts and intentions. See what I mean? If you haven't read the previous articles, you may very well be "lost" with what I am saying. If you are familiar with Bob Proctor you will recognize this type of thinking and process.

Too many times we are waiting for and watching for something really "BIG" and "IMPRESSIVE" to attract us to our future. Sure, that MIGHT happen but, more often than not, it will be the unassuming that will pass before you. WILL YOU PAY ATTENTION AND NOTICE?

I've shared before about a ride I took on my motorcycle several years ago. It was just a nice, leisurely ride that I was taking and, along the way, I noticed the EXACT same message (EXACT same words) on three different signs in three different communities/towns. They were all signs in front of church buildings and I even thought, "Maybe there is some sort of organized message that they are all doing for some special purpose." I found that this was not true which helped me understand even more strongly that this was NOT just a coincidence but a special message that I was SUPPOSED to see on this day. The message? "Believe in Yourself". What a powerful message! And then, as I was riding through my home town on the way back to my house, I glanced at a sign in front of an insurance office that had one of those "scrolling" messages going across and I saw the words, "...and others".

There was my message that I could have overlooked very easily: "Believe in Yourself and Others".

IF - and that may be an important word and qualifier in all of this for you - you are seriously wanting to change the direction of your life in a more positive and powerful way and IF you are determined to involve yourself in daily, purposeful activity then you will have messages, lessons and other needed tools come your way in various forms. And, that being true (and it IS), you may miss some along the way. This does NOT mean that you are doomed because of that happening.

HOWEVER, it only takes some common sense to understand that there is a limit - a very SMALL limit - to how much of this can slip by you and you still be able to have success in whatever it is you seek.

Hey friend, here's something exciting I want to share with you: You will be AMAZED and EXCITED when you see this coming your way and when you start noticing all of these types of things, even - or maybe ESPECIALLY - by way of that which we may tend to label as "simple".

Do NOT miss that! And, until next time, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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