Sunday, January 19, 2020

Mikes Quotes #33: Do I Hear a Train?

 "I hear a train coming, I’m either on it or in front of it." 
(Potential client after losing her job and talking to me about working from home. Feb. 2014)

I have to tell you that, the first thing I think about when I read the above quote is that Johnny Cash song where  he sings, "I hear that train a' comin', a' comin' 'round the bend..." Secondly I think of the image that I posted above. It's a scene from the movie, "Stand By Me", where "the boys" get caught crossing a long - and high - train bridge when, low and behold, a train begins to approach their group. 

In that situation, would it better for those boys to be ON that train or remain in front of the train? Obvious answer, right? 

Perhaps you find yourself in a similar situation as the lady that I talked to back in 2014 when she said, "I hear a train coming, I'm either on it or in front of it!". Can you relate? She had lost her job and, as always happens, the bills kept coming and she was finding herself in a "quickly approaching" desperate situation. 

To be honest, I have no idea what she ever did about her situation. I do know that she did not "join up" with the work from home opportunity that she was discussing with me at the time. Regardless, she knew that she had to do something so that she was no longer IN FRONT OF that "train".

Hey, even if you're life is all good and there are no issues or problems for you right now, maybe you know someone else that could benefit from this message. Thing is, YOU may need it at some point in the future as well so be sure to subscribe to this blog so that you can benefit to the messages that I share here AND be sure and share it with others.

As I stated earlier, obviously it is better to be ON the train rather than IN FRONT OF the train but, friend, that decision is yours. It's obvious and even a bit silly to make such a statement BUT, at the same time, there are many that KNOW they need to get ON that train but they still are running around in front of that train. 

I can't give you the answers that you may need to make that decision but, hopefully, the things that I share with you through this blog as well as my podcasts and videos can help guide you to developing the needed mindset to make that decision to GET ON THAT TRAIN.

And, once you get on that train, be sure to help others get on that train along the way. Deal?

Be sure to join me for my next quote that I will be sharing and, until then, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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