Friday, January 10, 2020

Work From Home Series #5: My Suggested Solution

In today's concluding article for this series, I will systematically go through the "Six Warning Signs" that I mentioned in Lessons 2 and 3 and see how they "stack up" with the company that I will share with you today. I will also see how this company "stacks up" with my personal "Mission Statement" that I shared with you in Lesson 4.

As I stated before, if you have not checked out Lessons 1 - 4, please be sure to do so. All of these lessons are important for those that may be considering connecting with a company for the purpose of "working from home". Too, I STRONGLY suggest that you watch the videos for this series. I believe you will benefit greatly by doing so. As a matter of fact, I will mostly be sharing the screen shots from the video in this article. Watch the video for full details.

Here is the comparison of this company with all six "Warning Signs"...

 Take a look at these stats...

 I recently worked for a company that built custom homes. I would work with those that showed interest in getting information about the process and would get them to the point that they wanted to fill out an application to see about getting a loan so that they could purchase their "dream home". 

However, there were so many that were not able to get approved due to their "debt to income ratio". Simply put, the amount of debt that they had was too great for the amount of their income and the financial institution decided that they could not take a risk on such a proposition. So much of their problem would usually have some connection to student loans, medical bills, credit cards and/or automobile loans. Often the problem involved ALL of the things that I just listed. 


So, here is my business card that will introduce you to the company that I have decided fits every area of my search and my purpose. The name of the company is United Financial Freedom...

Please be sure to go to the website listed above - - and watch the 2 videos that you will find there. This will give you a GOOD idea of what it is that we do. Write down any questions that you may have and then contact me with those questions. 

By the way, this is NOT some sort of "credit repair" company at all. This is NOT a company that will try to find some "loophole" that will allow you to skip out of debt that you owe. It is a program designed to help you pay off your debt - ALL debt - in a fraction of the time and save you THOUSANDS in interest. Again, WATCH THE VIDEO to get the full story of what I shared there. 

Let me mention one more thing: IF you feel that this is NOT for you as far as a "work from home opportunity", please take a close look and see if this would not be something that could help you and your family in the area of debt and the stress and strain that is a part of that circus.

I'd love to get your feedback and hope you will do that for me. Until next time, whatever you do...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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