Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Work From Home Series #2: Warning Signs Part 1

As always, please be sure to go back and read the article before this since it is the first "lesson" in the series. ALSO, I would suggest that you actually WATCH THE VIDEOS (link below) in this series...I think you will benefit from doing so.

As we continue to discuss the possibility of working from home, it is important to take a good look at what your "expectations" are when you envision taking this journey. What do you imagine it will be like if and when you take that step? What "picture" do you "see" in your mind? When you watch the video, you will see several pictures that I pulled up on a search for "work from home". I've included one below so that you can get an idea of what is often portrayed for this category.

Is this similar to what you envision when you think of working from home? Do you picture yourself lounging around in your pajamas, kicking back and, for the most part, taking life easy?

If so, this is one major problem before you even begin the daunting task of looking over what is available! This is a FALSE IMAGE that does NOT truly show what it is like to work for yourself, from your own home. Not even close! Is it possible to live this way? Yes, but it will take you years to get to the point for this to be true in your own life, if even then.

So, before we even begin to address the actual "Warning Signs" that I have planned for this article, we must start there! Come on back down out of the clouds and to reality and we'll continue with the rest of today's discussion.

When I say "Warning Signs" I'm talking about things that you MUST pay attention to and understand how important it will be for you as far as getting answers about them.

Warning Sign #1: Is it something that is already offered in "normal" venues?      Whether it's vitamins or some type of energy drink, coffee, makeup, nail polish or any of the many things that are promoted in this arena, if it is something that people can buy at the local store at a much cheaper price, THIS WILL MAKE IT VERY DIFFICULT TO SUCCESSFULLY SELL TO OTHERS. 

It doesn't matter how much better you have been told (and maybe believe) your product may be compared to those at the store, the majority of people don't really care about any thing else except the cost. Money talks and what you have to offer will likely be priced substantially higher than what they can buy at the store.  Be careful that you don't buy into the hype that will tell you otherwise.

Does that mean that it will be impossible for you to have any type of success with this type of product. No, but it will definitely make it more difficult. 

Warning Sign #2:  Does the use of this product require MAJOR changes in habit?    Back in 2003 I lost 100 lbs over the course of 13 months. I don't remember exactly how much of that 100 lbs. I lost by using a certain weight loss product but I did honestly feel better using that product than I did with anything else I did and/or tried over that time period. I actually still use some of those products even today! People that knew me and saw the transformation that had taken place wanted what I had! They saw the results with their own eyes!

However, I learned quickly that, even though they "wanted" the results, they were unwilling to do what it would take for them to get similar results. Many people want CHANGE but are not willing to DO WHAT IT TAKES to bring about that change in their lives.  

The same is true if you are talking about "cleaning products" for you home or even coffee. It's the same for those programs that urge others to completely change their habits for their phone, electric, t.v. and other services that they use on a daily basis. 

Impossible? No. However, I just want to make sure that you are aware of the difficulty that this type of product will bring your way - REGARDLESS OF THE HYPE that you will be told.  

Warning Sign #3:  What is the cost to get started and what is the CONTINUED costs involved?  Please notice that a "start up" cost does NOT mean that it is something that needs to be avoided! You will not find a program that will actually provide you a way to do business without there being SOME cost involved at the start. That cost can (and likely will) vary widely and YOU will be the one that will have to decide what amount you feel is justified. 

"Continued Costs" can come in several different ways. One of the main ones is what is usually called "Admin Fees" (administration fees) and, again, THAT cost can and will vary widely. Currently, I pay $0 monthly fees in this area and have paid as much as $197 per month for these fees. Again, YOU are the one that will have to decide what you are comfortable with and what you feel is justified. 

One that many don't even consider (most don't even KNOW to consider this) is the cost of having people to talk with in one way or another.  It may be the cost of posting ads on Craigslist, for example. "I thought you could post for free?" Regardless of what you may be told, posting ads for free in this way is NOT the way to accomplish much of anything. For one, you will CONTINUOUSLY be checking to see if your ad has been removed or not and, it likely will be and will be OFTEN. The only way to actually do much in this area is to PAY for it and, friend, that cost CAN add up quickly. 

You may need to buy leads in order to have enough people to share your opportunity with each and every day. What are leads and how much do they cost? Leads can be those who reply to your ads that you have posted or that saw you make a post on social media. A "lead" is simply a person that has given you some amount of information so that you can contact them and share your information. Some people BUY leads which, by the way, has a "mine field" all it's own! The costs of these leads also vary greatly and the "quality" of them ALSO varies greatly.  

NOTE: Most home-based business FAIL due to the lack of an adequate supply of leads. Simply put: Not enough people to talk with about whatever it is that you offer.  THIS IS A COST THAT YOU MUST TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION! 

In the next "lesson" I will cover 3 more "Warning Signs" that need to be considered and I hope that you will join me for that one. If you have any questions that you would like to ask, please do so by going to my FBook page (see link below) and leave a comment. Perhaps it is a question about something that I've discussed in this series OR a question about a situation that you are considering and you'd simply like another opinion. Please don't mention any company names when you leave a comment with your question. If you have some information that you would like me to actually see, just let me know and I'll make arrangements to get that from you. 

Just for your information, here is another look at the topics to be covered in this series...

 I hope you find this series beneficial and I hope you will join me again for the next "lesson" and, until then, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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