Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Consequences of Debt: DIVORCE

The Consequences of Debt: DIVORCE

The stress that comes with debt is far reaching and, likely, more than we would really care to even consider.  In the last article we discovered a list of several physical problems that have been known to occur due to stress.

Sure, there are many other causes of stress in our lives but, at the same time, the stress from debt fuels many of these other symptoms. 

For example, I took a look at two different articles about the top causes of divorce and, not surprisingly, money or financial issues were in the top 4 on both lists. It was number two on one list and number four on the other. 

Here is one list that comes from Shellie Warren at marriage.com -
1. infidelity  2. money  3. lack of communication  4. weight gain  5. unrealistic expectations  6. lack of intimacy  7. lack of equality  8. no being prepared for marriage  9. abuse

When I look at that list, I can easily see how the stress that is related to money problems/debt would also have an influence on other things listed. For example, stress from debt could actually have a hand in someone being unfaithful in their marriage. No, I'm not saying it is an excuse for bad behavior but, if the stress is bad enough, a person may look for an avenue to just "get away" from their current situation. DEBT STRESS may also impact communication to the point where those in the relationship begin to NOT communicate at all. Weight gain? It's a known fact that when someone gets depressed and are under stress they tend to eat more and to eat more junk!

Do I need to continue down this list? Go through the rest of the list and see if you can connect "debt stress" to the rest of the items found there. I'm sure you can.  

I'm sure you can also do the same with the list that I found on divorce.com - 1. infidelity  2. lack of communication  3. physical/emotional abuse  4. financial issues  5. sexual problems  6. boredom  7. religious/cultural differences  8. issues raising children  9. addiction  10. difference in expectations

Then, if there are kids in a marriage they, too, are impacted for the rest of their lives when a divorce takes place. Sure, some handle it better than others but, friend, let's not try to paint a "pretty picture" of the impact of divorce.

And, again, the thing about this stress from debt is, IT'S NOT NECESSARY!

“Debt is just a part of life and there is nothing that can be done to prevent it or to resolve the problem."  Sadly, too many people believe that quote as truth when it actually is a BIG LIE! Debt does NOT have to "just be a part of life" and, friend, there ARE things that you CAN do to prevent it and there definitely IS a resolution to the problem. 

Think of DEBT as a "dark hole" that is ready to suck in anything that comes anywhere near the "mouth" of this monster. And, by the way, DEBT IS A "DARK HOLE" and you need to begin to look at it in that way! Take another look at that quote in the previous paragraph and, if you believe that quote to be true - or ANY PART OF IT to be true - then apply it to the "dark hole" view. IF debt was just a part of life then, friend, what you are saying is that you or anyone else can do NOTHING to keep from getting sucked down that dark hole! You, and everyone else, is DOOMED to this fate! And, according to this quote, YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT and YOU CANNOT RESOLVE THIS PROBLEM! In other words, to put it bluntly, YOU'RE SCREWED!
I want you to know that, although I will be discussing some of the CONSEQUENCES OF DEBT in this series, I will also be sharing with you my suggested solution to the problem. Yes, I shared that suggested solution with you in Lesson 5 of the last series and I will mention it again with every article in this series. It won't be a sales pitch but I feel that it is important to share a SOLUTION and not just talk about the problem. Simply go to ulivefree.com and take a look at the two videos and then look over the rest of the information. This is an INCREDIBLE program designed to get you out of debt - ALL DEBT - in a fraction of the time!

I'd love to get feedback from you on the series so far and anything else. I'd love to hear from you! In my next article I will be discussing another consequence of debt - HOPELESSNESS.

Until next time, friend, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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