Monday, January 6, 2020

Work From Home Series #1: Is It Possible?

It's the start of another calendar year - 2020 - and many people have geared themselves up to achieve something new and/or better in and for their lives. Among the top 2 categories for these "New Year's Resolutions" are health and wealth.

A lot of people will start this new year off with a stated desire to get in better shape. I do want you to notice, though, that a "stated" desire is actually a lot different than an "intentional" desire. And, the same is true as applied to the other category - wealth. Many people have a stated desire to improve their financial situation.

Due to this fact, as I mentioned on the podcast and/or the video that goes along with today's topic (see links below), both of these "desires" will lead many to take a look at "work from home opportunities". 

If you have looked at these very often then you know that there is a WIDE array of things that are offered in this area. And, if you have actually tried some of these then you also know that it is quite difficult to find something that actually works or that you feel is actually legitimate.  

I strongly encourage you to be sure to watch the video presentation for this series (YouTube link below). As always, there is also a podcast that has been recorded for each lesson in this series but I believe the video will be of a great benefit to and for you. 

So, again, the question that we will discuss today is, "IS IT POSSIBLE?"

The good news is that, YES, it IS possible but understand that "possible" does not mean "easy".


It is possible but you must CHOOSE WISELY and, friend, that will take some effort on your part. I believe that your reading, listening and/or watching this series is a part of that effort and I'm glad that I can be of assistance in this area.

I compare this effort to someone that desires to find a good relationship or marriage even after they have experienced several failed attempts in this area in the past. The same question will be asked about finding such a relationship: "Is it possible for me?" SURE IT IS! Hopefully a person has learned from their past mistakes and failed relationships and, HOPEFULLY, this has caused them to be more careful and more aware of what TO DO as well as what NOT TO DO (or look for) in their next relationship.

So it is with finding a legitimate work from home opportunity which you can feel good about being involved as well as representing.

You can see the schedule of upcoming "lessons" for this series and I hope you will be a part of all of these - they are ALL important for you to consider. Let me also mention that, although I am in no way any kind of "expert" in this area, everything I will share with you comes from my own experience in this area over the past 17 years.

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, please do not leave them here but, instead, go to my Facebook page (see link below) and leave them there and, if I get them in time, I will try to answer them on some of the videos. If I don't have time to answer them as I record and, if there are enough questions, I may do another video simply for the purpose of answering questions. If there are not enough to do that and I do have some questions, I will likely just answer them on the Facebook page.

Be sure to share this information with anyone that you know that may also be looking at starting a new venture with a "work from home opportunity". Thank you, in advance, for doing so. 

Be sure to join me for our next lesson as we take a look at my first 3 "Warning Signs" that I will cover in this series. Until then, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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