Monday, January 13, 2020

The Consequences of Debt: STRESS

In my last series ("Working From Home Series") I concluded with a lesson on "My Suggested Solution". In that lesson I shared the following numbers as it concerns debt in America:

In an article written by Bill Fay entitled, "The Emotional Effects of Debt" he states the following: "...72% of Americans said they felt stressed about money, according to an American Psychological Association study. And 22% said they felt “extreme” stress over their finances."

In another article, written by Jennifer Soong and entitled, "The Debt-Stress Connection", she states, "An AP-AOL study reveals that debt-related stress is 14% higher in 2008 than in 2004. Those who report high levels of debt stress suffer from a range of stress-related illnesses including ulcers, migraines, back pain, anxiety, depression and heart attacks."  

I read other articles that talked about other physical problems from which those under stress might suffer. Things like lack of sleep, loss of appetite and even hair loss. From my own experience and what I have seen with others, they may also include acne breakout on a persons body and even panic attacks. 

When you consider these things then you can also see why stress due to financial problems (debt) is one of the top reasons for a couple to get a divorce. Think about the impact on each of the two in the marriage as well as any children that may be a part of the marriage. All of this due to the stress with DEBT

The thing is, it's NOT NECESSARY! Too many people - maybe you? - have settled for the lie that debt is just a part of life and there is nothing that can be done to prevent it or to resolve the problem. BOTH OF THESE ASSUMPTIONS ARE FALSE

For the rest of this series we will be taking a look at other "consequences of debt" as follows: DIVORCE,  HOPELESSNESS, SUICIDE and LIMITS.  Think about how stress has a role in each one of these produced issues that come from the burden of debt. 

Debt is NOT just a "numbers" problem. It is a problem with our mindset and attitude. Debt often occurs when we decide to BUY THINGS THAT WE DO NOT NEED so that we can IMPRESS OTHERS THAT WE DON'T EVEN KNOW with MONEY THAT WE DO NOT HAVE.

Folks, that's a problem and the consequences are real but, again, they are unnecessary. Click on the link below ("Live Debt Free") for a REAL solution to help you remove ALL debt from your life in a fraction of the time than you can following "traditional" pay-off plans. 

In closing, think for a moment about the change in YOUR life as well as the life of your family and those close to you once you remove debt - and the consequences - from your life. Yes, you can!

Join me in the next part of this series as we continue to discuss "The Consequences of Debt".

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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