Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Beware the Poison

Poison - if not correctly addressed - WILL kill. The longer a person waits to get the needed treatment, the higher the chance of DEATH.

So it is with the "poison" of being ungrateful. Unchecked, it will KILL a person's self-esteem and attitude. The longer a person waits to get the needed "treatment", the higher the chance of this DEATH to their self-esteem, attitude and, likely, relationships.

Listen, it's EASY to be ungrateful! It's EASY to focus on what is WRONG instead of what is RIGHT in your life. It's EASY to focus on what you DO NOT have instead of what all you DO have.

We seem to be fighting this battle in the United States right now. We have many in our society that whine and complain about everything and also want everything given to them. These people are UNGRATEFUL about what OPPORTUNITY is available to them every single day in our country.

When we allow ourselves to be ungrateful - to drink the poison of ungratefulness - we become a negative person in just about every area of our lives.

Why? How?

It's the same as we have talked about many times before. When we focus on the negative we "dwell" in the area of the negative. Believe me, when we become ungrateful we have started to focus on the negative. We can easily fall into being ungrateful for just about everything in every area of our lives.

It's easy to become ungrateful with your spouse and/or your children. The same is true as it relates to your friends, your co-workers, your job and on and on it goes.

But, you know what? Staying focused and positive which, by the way means that you will be "swimming upstream" against what most other people think and do, IS NOT EASY.

However, it DOES become easier the more you "practice" finding and focusing on what is good. It becomes easier once you become a person of THANKFULNESS.

Be sure to listen to the podcast and watch the video (links below) to get the "full impact" of today's topic and, while you're at it, be sure to drop off at my Facebook page (link below) and leave some feedback. Thanks, in advance!

Until next time, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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