Saturday, February 22, 2020

No Such Thing As "Self-Growth"

"There is NO SUCH THING as "SELF -growth"...we grow from what we learn from each other and then what we APPLY from what we learn. 
It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to grow alone!" - Mike Spillman

O.k., let me get this "disclaimer" out of the way, right up front. I am NOT knocking the use of the word, "self-growth" and I am NOT "bashing" those who use the word. Get it? Got it? GOOD!

However, I do want to point out that, in reality, there is NO SUCH THING as "self-growth", as I point out in my quote for the day.

I guess I can best compare this "word" to another phrase you have heard before: "self-made millionaire".  Yeah, there's no such thing as one of those, either, though I think I do understand the general idea behind that descriptive phrase.

My guess is that it refers to someone that has gained wealth but not by inheritance, winning the lottery or any other method in which they "came upon" money that they did not actually earn. So, a "self-made" millionaire would be one that earned their money by starting or developing their own business or organization.

Make sense?

Even then, the person - technically - cannot be "self-made" in that they depended on other people to teach, train, mentor and/or advise them along the way. They had to have others with which to do business and they also had to have others willing to work alongside them.


So it is with the word, "self-growth".

I understand what I believe to be the basic thought behind this word. A person is responsible for doing what is needed to grow and it's not going to be provided by others. They are responsible for this themselves. "Personal development" is another good way to put it.

Hey, listen...NO ONE CAN DO THIS FOR YOU! You have to decide - FOR YOURSELF - that you have a need to grow. YOU, and no one else, must then decide that YOU are going to pursue that need. Again, no one can do this for is up to YOU.

In that way, you could say that it is, indeed, "self-growth" but, friend, you can never do it alone. You must have others to teach, train, mentor and/or advise you along the way. The very fact that you are reading this blog article is proof of what I'm talking about in this area.

I continue to seek out and find new "sources" with thoughts that continue to challenge me along the way. These thoughts by these people help keep me moving.

I'm thankful to those that have provided this source of "fuel" for me along the way and I am thankful for you coming here to get some of that "fuel" for yourself. I'll always do my best to do all that I can to help you along your path of "self-growth" or personal development.

Keep CHOOSING to grow each and every day. And, as you do so, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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