Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Mike's Quotes #44: What Do YOU Seek?

“What you SEEK you will FIND - that is a Biblical TRUTH! Be careful what it is for which you seek, because THAT is what you will find.”- Mike Spillman (12.17.19)

Once again let me say that I don't know you or what you do or don't believe. Whether you believe in the Bible or not really has nothing to do with today's quote. Not only is it a Biblical truth, it is also a UNIVERSAL truth!

A month or so ago I did another article talking about the fact that you see what it is that you focus on and, friend, this is no different. 

This also ties in to what I have been sharing with you about "frequencies" as is discussed by Bob Proctor. (By the way, I shared a link to a video that features him talking abut this very thing. You can find that on my FYU Facebook page.)

PAY ATTENTION TO THIS: What is going on in your life right now? What is happening with you and with those that are closest to you? Are your thoughts and events negative or positive? Are the people around you negative or positive? How are things at work? Take a CLOSE look at all of these areas and honestly access what is going on in your life.

As much as we may not want to admit it, much of what we experience in our life is a direct result of what we have SOUGHT in and for our life. This is a fact, friend, and you can protest all that you wish but the truth is the truth! Notice that I did not say, "ALL that we experience..." but, rather, "...MUCH of what we experience."

Maybe it's time to seek something better? Only you can answer that question and you really need to answer it honestly, no matter how painful it may be. 

Again, what you SEEK you WILL find!

If you wish to find fault with your spouse, your friends or your co-workers then, guess what? YOU WILL EASILY FIND FAULT and you will have an ample supply of faults to gripe and complain about! If you wish to find fault with and at your job then, again, you will find PLENTY to gripe about as well. 

Here is another POWERFUL truth in all of this: YOU have the POWER to completely turn that around. That's right, you can also find POSITIVE things to notice about your spouse, your friends or your co-workers. And, you may be surprised to find out that there will be PLENTY of those positive things that make themselves known. 

I know you can figure out what will happen in and for your life when you start seeking and finding POSITIVE focus in and for your life, right? Things begin to change for the better.

What you SEEK you WILL FIND is a plain and simple truth.

What do YOU seek?

Thanks for taking the time to join me today and, until next time, whatever you do, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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