Monday, February 24, 2020

So You're Saying There's A Chance?

Earlier this month I came across this sign in the office of a "weight loss center" and I knew I had to take a picture of that sign. I did post it on my FYU Facebook page (link below) either the same day or the day after but I did not make any comments about it at that time.

But, today, in this article, I want to spend a few minutes discussing what you see in the graphic above. I absolutely LOVE what it has to say to and for each of us.

It doesn't really make a lot of difference if you are talking about weight loss, career choices, relationships or making a shift in mindset, all of these things contain a CHOICE if there is a CHANGE that is desired to take place.

Now, to be honest, deciding that you want to lose some weight and get in better shape is not as risky as someone considering making a completely different change in their career path. But, at the same time, there is a CHOICE that has to be made before the CHANGE can take place, right?

Once you have made the CHOICE - or decision - to make a CHANGE in your life, in any area of your life, then you also have another choice - or decision - that must be made. What will you do with your CHOICE or your DESIRE to make the change?

If you truly desire (how strong is your "why"?) for the change to take place then, friend, you MUST take the CHANCE and take action. 

How important is this desired CHANGE for your life? How important is it for you to reach or obtain that CHANGE for your life? That (your "why") will determine, to a great extent, how determined you will be to reach that goal of CHANGE.

Many are afraid of taking that CHANCE in and for their lives due to their fear of failure. They, themselves are afraid of possible failure and they are often also afraid of what others will think or say if they do fail in this effort. 

Sure, you might temporarily fail or have a set back but, again, how determined are you to achieve this CHANGE in and for your life? Is that temporary failure and set back worth the CHANCE?

ANY change...ANY change first and foremost requires that you CHOOSE to finally do something about whatever it is that you are dissatisfied with in your life and then you MUST determine if you are willing to take the CHANCE required for that CHANGE to actually take place in and for your life.

 The CHOICE is yours and yours alone. And, as you consider the CHANGE that you wish for your life, always be sure to...

"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"


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